Tsuzat / NeoSolarized.nvim

NeoSolarized colorscheme for NeoVim with full transparency
Apache License 2.0
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Theme color suggestions and discussion #19

Closed komputerwiz closed 7 months ago

komputerwiz commented 7 months ago

Thanks for the great work on the theme! I switched over from another solarized theme that didn't support tree-sitter, and now my editor feels so vibrant! :slightly_smiling_face:

I noticed a few things that might need some discussion, and I'm happy to submit a pull request for whatever gets decided here.


When in diff mode, additions and deletions are highlighted, but changes are challenging to find:

Screenshot from 2024-02-22 18-35-01

I noticed theme.lua references c.diff_yellow, but colors.lua defines diff_change. Probably just a typo. Changing DiffChange.bg to c.diff_change produces the following:

Screenshot from 2024-02-22 18-42-48

Changed lines are easier to spot, but I wonder if bg1 is right for the DiffText. May I suggest a slightly more intense version of the DiffChange color? (The screenshot uses #404000)

Screenshot from 2024-02-22 18-47-54

Regardless, I think the colors should be adjusted to work in light mode:

Screenshot from 2024-02-22 18-49-27

Maybe the following?

M.light = {
  -- ...
  diff_add = '#caffca',
  diff_change = '#ffffca',
  diff_delete = '#ffcaca',
  diff_text = '#e8e8b3',
  -- ...

Screenshot from 2024-02-22 19-00-47

CursorLine and CursorColumn

I sometimes use these options to make "crosshairs" for my cursor (especially when drawing boxes in :h 'virtualedit' mode). theme.lua currently sets the color to NONE, but I would suggest linking it to CursorLine:

theme.highlights = {
  -- ...
  CursorLine = { link = 'CursorColumn' }
  -- ...

Screenshot from 2024-02-22 19-13-15


The default c.blue background for :h 'colorcolumn' "rulers" might be a bit too vibrant:

Screenshot from 2024-02-22 19-16-12

Maybe use c.bg1 by default instead?

Screenshot from 2024-02-22 19-16-25

Tsuzat commented 7 months ago

@komputerwiz , Thanks for an amazing suggestions. I would appreciate a pull request. Happy Coding :)

komputerwiz commented 7 months ago

Pull request submitted! 👍

Please Let me know if you have any thoughts or comments or if you want to let others have a chance to weigh in. Otherwise, feel free to merge and close the issue.

Thanks again for the great work!