TuNguyenThanh / react-native-image-placeholder

React native Image Placeholder
141 stars 53 forks source link

White image is displayed for some times when coming from background in android #34

Open AhmedAli125 opened 1 year ago

AhmedAli125 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Thank you for such an amazing library for displaying placeholder images when remote images are being fetched. It made my UI/UX much better. But I am facing an issue. The issue is such that, when remote image is being fetched the placeholder image is displayed and when remote image is successfully loaded then remote image is displayed, but when you take the app to background and then bring it back to foreground, then in android a white space is displayed in place of image until remote image is fetched. Note that this issue is not being faced in iOS and when we come to foreground in iOS the image fetched before going to background is displayed instantly without any flicker or placeholder image.
