TubaSid / Voice-Recognition

Voice recognition is the process of identifying the speaker of the audio provided in the input by matching it with the audios stored in the database. This can be used in security purposes, which means, only valid person can enter or open the secured place or object. It was a Matlab based project.
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Please solve this error.. #1

Open MrinmoyBoruah opened 1 year ago

MrinmoyBoruah commented 1 year ago

clear all; close all; clc; %% Store Features for i=1:13 filename=strcat('C:\Users\PROJECT WORK EEE\Desktop\dolphine project Mrinmoy\audio_data\soundResemb.wav'); b=audioread(filename);

FE=VoiceFeatures (b)

try load database F=[F;FE]; FN=[FN;i]; database=[database;F;FN]; save database.mat database F FN catch F=FE;%F=features FN=i; save database F FN end end

Error in (line 9) FE=VoiceFeatures (b);

sgenovana commented 1 year ago

pleease let me know if you solved this. I have same problem@MrinmoyBoruah