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Package for postmarketOS / Alpine Linux #11

Open calebccff opened 3 years ago

calebccff commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately AppImages aren't really viable on Alpine / postmarketOS at the minute, so lets try and get this application packaged there instead!

Example of another (albeit simpler) rust package in alpine:

It should be as simple as including all -dev packages in the makedepends, and including the rest in depends (not sure about libhandy).

I'll try and get a working APKBUILD some time soonish, although I'm more than open to being beaten to it :D.

pojntfx commented 3 years ago

I second this! Running it on musl-based systems yields "No such file or directory". Maybe flatpak would be an option as well? Most GTK mobile apps have one now.

Schmiddiii commented 3 years ago

I have been working on a flatpak build on the last days (see #16). I got it working on my laptop, but could not cross compile to aarch64. It may be a error on my system (e.g. some package not installed) or in my build. As I do not have experience with flatpak I do not know the cause of the error. Searching the internet did not help. Any help is appreciated.

pojntfx commented 3 years ago

I too am not an expert with Flatpak's packaging, but a quick and dirty workaround could be to use - it uses qemu-user-static to spin up a quick aarch64 VM so that cross-compilation is no longer necessary, but it comes at the cost of taking longer to compile. Since Flatpak requires namespaces support note that you'd have to run hydrun with --extraArgs='--privileged' -i -a arm64 bash, i.e. like so:

$ hydrun --extraArgs='--privileged' -i -a arm64 bash
root@d78547cd001f:/data# history
    1  apt update && apt install -y ca-certificates flatpak
    2  flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub
    4  flatpak install flathub fi.skyjake.Lagrange
    5  flatpak run fi.skyjake.Lagrange
Schmiddiii commented 3 years ago

Thank you. I now have a working cross compilation. My mistake was that installing qemu-user-static from the repos did not work. I installed it from the github-website you linked in your README.

calebccff commented 3 years ago

@pojntfx I was able to build from source and run on postmarketOS, although I only tried building on device.... I documented build instructions for pmOS here:

flatpak would be great, although I'd really love to see it get packaged for alpine (as there aren't any significant drawbacks)

Schmiddiii commented 3 years ago

I decided to move all flatpak-related discussions to #13 to keep this issue about packaging with APKBUILD. Even if flatpak would probably work fine on pmOS, the opening times of a not-sanboxed format would still be better (the difference between AppImage and native is noticable on my PinePhone).

As I do not use any musl-based systems I cannot help with this issue. Feel free to reach out to me when you have a working APKBUILD or any questions.