TubmanProject / data_scraper

Web scraper for pulling data about justice system outcomes
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Dallas County records #1

Open alpha-tango opened 6 years ago

alpha-tango commented 6 years ago


The fields seem reasonably similar to the Harris County data that's already in the scraper, but there are two issues that need to be solved:

  1. At first glance, records are only available in a search as opposed to downloading all court case records at once, and
  2. Once you search for a record, the data is pretty messy and will probably need a lot of parsing.

Resources found

Data sample

(I redacted name and DOB but kept formatting)

DEF ADR1*****************************************  AC ___ PH _______  SS ***********************
DEF CITY MARSHALL____________  ST TX  ZIP 75672  DLNUM ************** DLST __
OFF FMFR________________________ DT 031898 TYP/CL M C GOC/CAT _ _ CODE DS000000
COMT __________ SID NUM ________ NAMELY ________
COMPLAINANT *********************************** TAPE # _____ ARREST DATE 000000
FILING AGENCY***************  SER/CAS NO********************   ARREST NUM  ______________
LAI NUM********************   AIS/DSO NO********************   BOOKIN NUM  ______________
JP FILE DATE 000000  JP CASE ID __________  JP COURT ID __  FED _  EVH _  AFF _
GJ/H/R DT ______ _ GJ# ________ GJ/W/FILE 010501 GJ DS X DA DSP _ ACC Y REAS _
JUDCL CASE ID MC00B3955   GJ CT __  PROS STAT _ ___   PROS NAME _______________
DMalone87 commented 6 years ago

Look like this system is tied to Odessy/Tyler Technologies as well.

Power Point Download: http://dallascounty.org/department/districtclerk/media/4-12-10_DIGITAL_CRTS_PRESENT_GEN.ppt