Tuch / angular-dnd

Drag and Drop module for Super heroic 1.x AngularJS. Not jQueryUI. Touch supporting.
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Cloning sortable items #39

Open andreyshedko opened 8 years ago

andreyshedko commented 8 years ago

Hi! This could be that I did something wrong, but I suppose that it's bug. Sometime, when I'm draging sortable items, it's cloning - item left on its position plus adding new one. Here is markup:

<div dnd-container dnd-sortable-list="properties.form_values">
    <div flex layout="column" style="overflow: auto; height: 100%;" ng-repeat="value in properties.form_values track by $index" dnd-sortable dnd-on-sortend="onSortEnd()">
        <md-input-container layout="row" class="md-icon-float md-icon-right md-block flex-box" ng-mouseover="hovering=true" ng-mouseleave="hovering=false">
            <input type="text" ng-model="value" ng-change="onChangeFieldValue($index, value)" />
            <md-icon md-font-set="material-icons" ng-show="hovering" ng-click="onDeleteFieldValue($index, $event)">clear</md-icon>
            <md-icon class="ng-isolate-scope" md-font-set="material-icons" ng-show="hovering" style="cursor: move;">format_line_spacing</md-icon>

P.S. I'm using angular 1.4.8 P.P.S. I'm Russian, but it's international web site, so let's use English - it will make search of issue for other developer easier.

Tuch commented 8 years ago

@andreyshedko, do you have jsfiddle/jsbin/etc example that demonstrates this bug? It would be very helpful