NOTE: This Tudat version is no longer supported. See and for the new version
The ephemeris of a vehicle is not set automatically in the TranslationalStatePropagatorSettings.
The vehicle experiences aerodynamic, thrust, and gravity accelerations in the Earth's atmosphere with a MassRateModel from thrust.
The workaround is for this bug is manually adding both the ephemeris and massmodel, but setting the ephemeris should be done automatically by tudat.
The ephemeris of a vehicle is not set automatically in the TranslationalStatePropagatorSettings. The vehicle experiences aerodynamic, thrust, and gravity accelerations in the Earth's atmosphere with a MassRateModel from thrust. The workaround is for this bug is manually adding both the ephemeris and massmodel, but setting the ephemeris should be done automatically by tudat.
bodyMap[ "Vehicle " ]->setEphemeris( boost::make_shared< ephemerides::TabulatedCartesianEphemeris< > >( boost::shared_ptr< interpolators::OneDimensionalInterpolator < double, Eigen::Vector6d > >( ), "Earth", "J2000" ) );
bodyMap[ "Vehicle " ]->setBodyMassFunction( boost::lambda::constant( Mass) );