TuftEntertainment / hashtag-warrior

Open-source iOS game powered by cocos2d.
MIT License
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Hero runs left and can't run right again #48

Open verbitan opened 11 years ago

verbitan commented 11 years ago

Title says it all.

Once the hero has run left he can't then run right again, instead he's just stuck in a glitchy graphical mess.

danielgwood commented 11 years ago

Is this when testing on a device? On the simulator (via the AccelerometerTest utility), I can't always replicate this - the hero does seem to get stuck, but only if I really hammer it left (which I assume is supposed to be akin to turning the phone vertically). Using the controls in what I assume is a more gentle motion I can go left/right as much as I want.

verbitan commented 11 years ago

Yeah this was on an iPhone, it happened every time. Perhaps we need to increase the sensitivity of the accelerator simulator mac app?

danielgwood commented 11 years ago

Sounds like a good idea. Best bet is probably to work out the ideal settings that work best on the iPhone/iPad, and put those into the game code, then we can adjust the accelerometer app until it compares?