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feat: Godot Genre Docs #183

Closed BoopEnthusiast closed 2 months ago

BoopEnthusiast commented 2 months ago

Docs for several genres of video games to tackle a wide variety of real things that'll come up

Universal features:

Features every game has, like UI and a main menu and settings Should include basic singleton structure with values like score and health

Bullet heaven:

Covers a lot of the extra little tricks most games might use a few of Top-down 2D movement Spawning from and outside of player Unlocking, currency, score, health Components


Good for covering everything audio related, from the minute things like matching BPM and speed to just general things for every game. every game needs audio and this is a really good deep-dive into it May not be fit for this, imagine trying to teach a class about making a rhythm game and hearing the wack music the kids play from every computer at once and dealing with getting headphones and troubleshooting for everyone and it just sounds like a nightmare

3D Racer

VehicleBody requires some knowledge to setup, but once you do it's very flexible for even pretty realistic car sims Third person camera with smoothing and pivot around the car Map building

2D racer is far less popular and honestly not that much easier, it doesn't teach pretty much any different skills either aside from just the same thing but 2D

First Person Shooter

Good combination of a bunch of different core skills and super popular Spawning in 3D Raycasting Higher level concepts with magazines and bullet count per-mag Advanced 3D movement

Tower Defense

Popular to make, with a handful of good niche systems people will need eventually, fewer core skills Areas and detection Advancing AI along a path Upgrade systems Higher level concepts with changing targeting

Might be worth splitting these all into separate files

Should have bullet heaven and universal features done soon

Darkflame72 commented 2 months ago

Could we get this in a state that we can merge on Sunday? Even if we are missing some genres we can open issues for them to do alter.