TumblThreeApp / TumblThree

A Tumblr and Twitter Blog Backup Application
MIT License
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Can't download likes - Error2: Error parsing post #549

Open vozmor opened 2 weeks ago

vozmor commented 2 weeks ago

Hi there,

1) When the app starts, everything is all right, I am usually already logged in, nevertheless I always check it. Downloading Tumblr blogs is all right. (Well, almost. The persisting problem of suddenly and frequently logging out after just a couple of minutes or even seconds is now much rarer).

2) When it reaches the likes it immediately stops, it doesn't download a single file, displays the the error message, and also logs me out. I can never log in again, I have to restart the app, and it usually starts already logged in again.

It is the first time I would like to download my likes. I tried it several times, I cancelled the likes "blog" and added it again, no change. I checked the previous similar bug reports and checked my Tumblr settings, too, which seem to be all right.


20240617 19:24:35.829 Err TumblrLikedByCrawler:CrawlPageAsync: System.FormatException: String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. at System.DateTimeParse.ParseExact(String s, String format, DateTimeFormatInfo dtfi, DateTimeStyles style) at TumblThree.Applications.Crawler.TumblrLikedByCrawler.CheckIfWithinTimespan(Int64 pagination) in C: projects\Tumblthree\src\TumblThree\TumblThree.Applications\Crawler\TumblrLikedByCrawler.cs:line 767 at TumblThree.Applications.Crawler.TumblrLikedByCrawler.d__17.MoveNext() in C:\projects\Tumblthree\src\TumblThree\TumblThree.Applications\Crawler\TumblrLikedByCrawler.cs:line 205

thomas694 commented 3 days ago

The value you've entered in Download from on the details page of the Likes downloader is wrong, it needs to be in the format YYYYMMDD.

Nevertheless, we'll add an error message that describes this better.