TumeniNodes / stoneworks

Adds various arches and thin wall systems to Minetest_Game
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forked version with recipes #3

Open Nordall opened 4 years ago

Nordall commented 4 years ago

I have made an experiment. I forked stoneworks in order to create reasonable and rememberable recipes with help of a stonemason hammer as ingredient. Additionally I made the mod highly configuerable to avoid masses of arches and walls in the inventory. In my opinion it worked out. And the recipes look nice with the little hammer. (Of course it could be improved, but it's my first usable creation with help of blender.) Now I don't know how to proceed usually fairly in this cases. I suggest, if you like it, you tell me and I send you a merge request. If you don't like it or want it, I want to publish it as a forked work of yours (with recipes and configuerable and so on) in an own mod. What do you think? https://github.com/Nordall/stoneworks

TumeniNodes commented 4 years ago

I may be missing something but, I cannot seem to get it to work. I tried the recipes in the crafting grid, and nothing happens? Wondering if it might be more suitable to set this up so, when the player hit (left or right clicks) a base node (say stone) with the hammer, it brings up a formspec with a list of stoneworks nodes they can choose from, and depending on which they will get a various # of items Click a stone node and if you choose a larger arch you get output of 1 a slablike arch you get 2 and so on? But, so far, the recipes are not working, there is no output... and I have not touched the settings... arches are enabled

Nordall commented 4 years ago

I could not reproduce your problem on v5.1.0. If you load the zip-file and install it as usual, renaming it as usual, you don't have to touch the settings. The recipes are shown. In adventure mode of course.

But - with unified inventory I get strange things happen. The recipe is not transferred correctly into the craft area, for example. And I now get no recipe shown. Hm.

I use craftguide. Every recipe and every dependence of the nodes on each other concerning crafting is correctly shown. If you place the hammer correctly and the items, too, crafting works perfectly. What crafting guide do you use?

few background explanations: The hammer stays in the crafting area because you may want to craft anything more of stoneworks. If not, just put it in your inventory. You have to craft a hammer only one time. To make crafting more easy to remember the low version of a node is always crafted out of the high version. That means generally, if you want a low version, craft the high one and "convert" it into the low one. It's really simple. The walls contain chains of three nodes, for example high/high-low/low node. This is not always directly clear, I noticed now. I think it will get more obvious if I give the high-low nodes a separate recipe. I will change taht.

Click a stone node and if you choose a larger arch you get output of 1 a slablike arch you get 2

I think you are right. A high element should be converted in two corresponding low elements and vice versa accordingly. I will change that, too

Wondering if it might be more suitable to set this up so, when the player hit (left or right clicks) a base node (say stone) with the hammer, it brings up a formspec with a list of stoneworks nodes they can choose from

Your proposal of using a formspec let's me shiver a little, honestly, because I never did anything with formspecs. Furthermore at first glance it is more complicated to program and in game maybe more time consuming than a simple craft...

TumeniNodes commented 4 years ago

My apologies, I have been sick the past few days and only on the pc a little. I will still need some time to think on this. I do use sfinv_unified_inventory with sfinv_buttons

It is not a particularly great idea to add features to a mod which restricts them to certain users, if it can be avoided somehow.

I have been getting ready to put my better mods into minetest_mods, because I have had less and less time to do anything related to maintaining/updating them. If I offer this mod, with this PR, there is better chance someone with more time will be able to offer you guidance to hopefully see your work merged.

I will ask only that you be patient a bit longer while I finish pushing these mods into that repo. I realize you have been very patient, and you have put a good deal of work, effort and time into this, and it is very much appreciated, and I consider it a compliment that you enjoy the mod enough to do so.

I do think adding recipes is a good idea and will make the mod more appealing to users who like to craft. You may have noticed, my mods have mostly been offered by me, without crafting recipes, as I am solely a creative builder... and others were nice enough to offer such work as you are here, which is one of my favorite aspects of open source communities.

Let's see if we can get this all ironed out. Do not become worn, I do not know your history in open source but, I can tell you... sometimes a PR can take time to develop and/or to be merged and it is not always a guarantee. I still have some from other projects from 10+ years ago which were never merged XD But, this does feel like a decent idea so, let's see.

Nordall commented 4 years ago

Thank you for your apologies. You're welcome. I'm chronicly sick (Chronic Fatigue Syndrom) and know what iz means to have nor time neither power and concentration.

It is not a particularly great idea to add features to a mod which restricts them to certain users, if it can be avoided somehow.

I don't understand what you mean here. Do you refer to the apparently different behaviour of craftguide mods? If so, I think that it's a problem of those mods, not of my stoneworks fork. Else, would you explain it, please?

If you look at my repo you see I changed the arch recipes and fixed a crafting/naming bug that resulted from a swapped naming of high and highlow fence. I haven't touched the miniwalls yet, but I hope I can do this soon. After that I do some intensive testing with several crafting guides. I think, I can make some definitive statements then.

I won't become worn, thank you. I am used to things taking time... By the way, it's nice to read your messages, because I can learn some new nice idioms. :)