TuragaLab / flybody

MuJoCo fruit fly body model and reinforcement learning tasks
Apache License 2.0
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Environment Creation #2

Closed gautam1858 closed 2 months ago

gautam1858 commented 3 months ago


If i have to create an environment and then export the same to MuJoCo in XML format, what kind of CAD tool should I use to design the environment ?


vaxenburg commented 3 months ago

Looks like you could try using SolidWorks, as described in this MuJoCo issue: https://github.com/google-deepmind/mujoco/issues/1352 . Probably Blender could also be used to some extent, along with the dm_control Blender-to-MuJoCo exporter.

gautam1858 commented 3 months ago

Thank you. Are there any tutorials for these or a write up to just understand how to design on Blender, then export it to MuJoCo and later do some simulation ?

vaxenburg commented 3 months ago

I'm not aware of such tutorials except maybe this https://github.com/Balint-H/blender-mjcf. But I'm not sure if you actually need any of these CAD-like tools because you can just create scenes programmatically.