TurboGears / tg2

Python web framework with full-stack layer implemented on top of a microframework core with support for SQL DBMS, MongoDB and Pluggable Applications
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hover_text gives server error with Mako templates #21

Closed pedersen closed 10 years ago

pedersen commented 12 years ago

This issue existed on SourceForge. The original can be viewed at https://sourceforge.net/p/turbogears2/tickets/123

pedersen commented 12 years ago

Original Author: csmall, Original Timestamp: 2011-10-08 04:46:48.788000

Original Body: I was doing the ToscaWidgets tutorial at http://www.turbogears.org/2.1/docs/main/ToscaWidgets/forms.html except i was using Mako templates instead of Genshi. The section Customizing With CSS And Form Templates says that you can use the hover_help = True in your form template to make hovering help. Setting this to true gives a server error.

Module mako.runtime:718 in _exec_template view

callable_(context, _args, *_kwargs) Module _tw_forms_templates_table_form_mak:104 in render_body view UnboundLocalError: local variable 'help_text' referenced before assignment

pedersen commented 12 years ago

Original Author: csmall, Original Timestamp: 2011-10-08 04:52:08.439000

Original Body: File '/home/virtualenv/tg2env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Mako-0.5.0-py2.6.egg/mako/runtime.py', line 692 in _render_context _exec_template(inherit, lclcontext, args=args, kwargs=kwargs) File '/home/virtualenv/tg2env/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Mako-0.5.0-py2.6.egg/mako/runtime.py', line 718 in _exectemplate callable(context, _args, *_kwargs) File '_tw_forms_templates_table_form_mak', line 104 in render_body UnboundLocalError: local variable 'help_text' referenced before assignment

pedersen commented 12 years ago

Original Author: pedersen, Original Timestamp: 2011-11-25 22:25:13.606000

Original Body: - milestone: 2.1.4 --> 2.2.0

pedersen commented 12 years ago

Original Author: pedersen, Original Timestamp: 2012-08-24 01:47:52.674000

Original Body: - version: 2.1.3 --> 2.1.5

pedersen commented 12 years ago

Looking at this, this problem resides in tw.forms. Unfortunately, since this a problem in ToscaWidgets 0.9, and the TW team is pushing TW2, we might not be able to get a code fix for this. Instead, we are probably going to have to update this to include only TW2 references.

amol- commented 10 years ago

Closing as invalid as TW1 is no longer used by TG nor referenced by documentation.