TurboPack / AsyncPro

Async Professional is a comprehensive communications toolkit for Embarcadero Delphi and C++Builder.
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D-10.4-WIN10 : ApdVoIP1.Connect - voice over ip not possible requires windows 2000 or above #23

Open awohlmut opened 2 years ago

awohlmut commented 2 years ago

HI, I want to do VOIP PC<>PC.

I found no examples within current project, so I tried tpapro_5.00\examples\ExVOIP0.dpr

I can not select may USB Headset and also got this error message:

voice over ip not possible requires windows 2000 or above

what did I wrong? compiled with delphi 10.4 on windows 10

thanks in advange Andi

awohlmut commented 2 years ago

C:\Delphi\example\voip_asyncpro\source\AwUser.pas added, but no effect: 10 : case OSVersion.dwMinorVersion of
0 : Result := 'Windows 10.0 ';
1 : Result := 'Windows 10.1 ';

romankassebaum commented 2 years ago

You can see in the source code that AsyncPro is a very old library. I have serious doubts that it will work with modern hardware on modern OS. You should only use AsyncPro for legacy code.

awohlmut commented 2 years ago

thanks for the hint :-) , but

still the same with new created project with ApdVoIP v5.00

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); begin ApdVoIP1.Connect('') ; end;

wonder why missing windows 10 in {} { AWUSER.PAS 5.00 } {}

romankassebaum commented 2 years ago

What is exactly the problem? Do you have a test application in order to reproduce the issue?

awohlmut commented 2 years ago

my steps 1) drop Component ApdVoIP on Form1 2) drop Componet Button on Form1 3) create button1 on click procedure with ApdVoIP1.connect 4) run application and click button 5) get error dialog box -> voice over ip not possible requires windows 2000 or above

short webex possible?

romankassebaum commented 2 years ago

You have to debug TApdCustomVoIP.FindTheAddress. What happens there? I was currently to busy for a call.

awohlmut commented 2 years ago

thanks for the hint

1) pEnumAddress returns a pointer > Result := S_OK; 2) pEnumAddress.Next result = 1 3) pAddress is nil 4) FErrorCode := ecVoIPH323NotFound

did I miss some prereqs? means the local IP is not visible for tgTapi?