TurboPack / LockBox3

LockBox3 is a Delphi and C++Builder library for cryptography.
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Use Compute_RSA_Fundamentals_2Factors or Use GenerateAsymetricKeyPair To Create key can Encrypt can not Decrypt #10

Closed wang80919 closed 6 years ago

wang80919 commented 6 years ago

Use Compute_RSA_Fundamentals_2Factors or Use GenerateAsymetricKeyPair To Create key can Encrypt can not Decrypt ` procedure StoreRSAKeyPairPartsToStream(const Parts: RSAKeyStorePartSet; AKey: TRSAKeyPair; Store: TStream); var iVersion: integer; pBuffer: TBytes; begin if AKey = nil then exit; if Store = nil then exit; pBuffer := TEncoding.UTF8.GetBytes(RSAKeySig); Store.WriteBuffer(pBuffer, Length(pBuffer)); iVersion := RSAKeyStoreVersion; Store.WriteBuffer( iVersion, SizeOf( iVersion)); Store.WriteBuffer( Parts, SizeOf( Parts)); if (PartN in Parts) and (AKey.F_RSA_n <> nil) then StoreHugeCardinal_Primitive(AKey.F_RSA_n.Value, Store); if (PartE in Parts) and (AKey.F_RSA_e <> nil) then StoreHugeCardinal_Primitive(AKey.F_RSA_e.Value, Store); if (PartD in Parts) and (AKey.F_RSA_d <> nil) then StoreHugeCardinal_Primitive(AKey.F_RSA_d.Value, Store); if (PartCRT in Parts) and (AKey.F_RSA_p <> nil) and (AKey.F_RSA_q <> nil) and (AKey.F_RSA_dp <> nil) and (AKey.F_RSA_dq <> nil) and (AKey.F_RSA_qinv <> nil) then begin StoreHugeCardinal_Primitive(AKey.F_RSA_p.Value, Store); StoreHugeCardinal_Primitive(AKey.F_RSA_q.Value, Store); StoreHugeCardinal_Primitive(AKey.F_RSA_dp.Value, Store); StoreHugeCardinal_Primitive(AKey.F_RSA_dq.Value, Store); StoreHugeCardinal_Primitive(AKey.F_RSA_qinv.Value, Store) end; end;

test code var n, e, d, Totient: THugeCardinal; Count1: Integer; p, q, dp, dq, qinv: THugeCardinal; Lib: TCryptographicLibrary; Codec: TCodec; AKey: TRSAKeyPair; s, y: string; begin Lib := TCryptographicLibrary.Create( nil); Codec := TCodec.Create( nil); AKey := TRSAKeyPair.CreateEmpty; Totient := nil; n := nil; e := nil; d := nil; p := nil; q := nil; dp := nil; dq := nil; qinv := nil; Count1 := 0; Compute_RSA_Fundamentals_2Factors(KeyBitLength, StandardExponent, n, e, d, Totient, p, q, dp, dq, qinv, OnProgress, nil, 20, FPool, Count1, FWasAborted); AStream.Clear; AKey.F_RSA_n := NewWrap(n); AKey.F_RSA_e := NewWrap(e); AKey.F_RSA_d := NewWrap(d); StoreRSAKeyPairPartsToStream([PartN, PartE, PartD], AKey, AStream); AStream.Position := 0; Codec.InitFromStream(AStream); Codec.EncryptAnsiString( 'test', y); Codec.Reset; Codec.DecryptAnsiString( s, y); end;

when run on .Decrypt will raise a av error

wang80919 commented 6 years ago

soory it is my mistake