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Release separate assets for vncviewer and vncserver installers #396

Closed cazlo closed 6 months ago

cazlo commented 6 months ago

As part of https://github.com/cazlo/gl-vdi-containers/pull/1, I have been investigating options for providing scalable, containerized Linux VDI with performant OpenGL capabilities. TurboVNC in concert with VirtualGL is an attractive solution to this problem.

In this containerized context, it is common practice to optimize and minimize external dependencies, only pulling in binaries which are strictly necessary for the application context. In this spirit, it is natural to split our system into a separate client and server images. See diagram below illustrating a potential deployment of this concept:

graph LR
    subgraph clients
       subgraph client_system_1 
       subgraph client_system_n
    subgraph server 
        subgraph server_x_environment
        subgraph server_gpu
    vncserver --read write VDI session \ntcp 5901--> vncviewer_1
    vncserver -.optional read only VDI session\ntcp 5901.-> vncviewer_n
    vncserver --uses--> VirtualGL
    vncserver --displays--> server_x_environment
    VirtualGL --uses--> GPU
    vncviewer_1 --uses--> java_1
    vncviewer_n --uses--> java_n

In this context, the image defining the server box does not necessarily need the vcnviewer binary (and java related dependencies).

Similarly, the image defining the client box(es) do not necessarily need the vncserver and related binaries.

I have briefly analyzed the "unified" rpm installer and discovered we can save > 50 MB in the server image size if we were to split up serer and client artifacts. Details regarding this finding follow:

I first extracted the 3.1 release rpm into a temporary directory with rpm2cpio turbovnc-3.1.x86_64.rpm | cpio -idmv -D $(pwd)/turbovnc-3.1

I then ran du against the directory to see stats about the disk use of the artifacts:

du -h -d4 | sort -hr
69M     ./opt/TurboVNC
69M     ./opt
69M     .
62M     ./opt/TurboVNC/java
60M     ./opt/TurboVNC/java/jre
6.3M    ./opt/TurboVNC/bin
440K    ./usr
420K    ./usr/share
396K    ./usr/share/doc/turbovnc-3.1
396K    ./usr/share/doc
100K    ./opt/TurboVNC/man/man1
100K    ./opt/TurboVNC/man
28K     ./etc
20K     ./usr/share/icons/hicolor
20K     ./usr/share/icons
20K     ./usr/lib/.build-id
20K     ./usr/lib
8.0K    ./etc/init.d
4.0K    ./usr/share/applications
4.0K    ./usr/lib/.build-id/dd
4.0K    ./usr/lib/.build-id/32
4.0K    ./usr/lib/.build-id/28
4.0K    ./usr/lib/.build-id/13
4.0K    ./usr/lib/.build-id/10
4.0K    ./etc/sysconfig
4.0K    ./etc/polkit-1/localauthority/50-local.d
4.0K    ./etc/polkit-1/localauthority
4.0K    ./etc/polkit-1

Here we can see that uncompressed, the rpm installer will drop about 69M of files onto the image. The vast majority of this, 62M, comes from /opt/TurboVNC/java which as far as I can tell is only used by the client viewer, not any server context.

Furthermore, inspecting the /opt/TurboVNC/bin folder, we see most binaries here are only relevant to the server context:

 ls -hs  ./opt/TurboVNC/bin | sort -hr 
6.2M Xvnc
 32K vncserver
 28K vncpasswd
 16K vncconnect
 16K tvncconfig
 12K xstartup.turbovnc
4.0K webserver
4.0K vncviewer
total 6.3M

Here, only 4KB are relevant to the client context, with the remaining ~6.3MB being only relevant to the server context.

Given these findings, I recommend splitting into 2 separate assets for the client and server contexts of this system. For example on linux, the directory structure would end up something like:


# artifacts to keep unchanged from current distributable

# artifacts to remove


# artifacts to keep unchanged from current distributable

# artifacts to remove

On cursory look, most of the hooks are already in place for this, with the CMAKE build having separate options for building the vncviewer and vncserver (e.g. https://github.com/TurboVNC/turbovnc/blob/main/CMakeLists.txt#L40). These hooks appear to be used further in the cmake build, however I have not deeply investigated the process yet for building separated packages. My initial look is making me think we could accomplish this with changes to the build script in places like https://github.com/TurboVNC/buildscripts/blob/main/buildvnc.linux#L37-L41 and https://github.com/TurboVNC/buildscripts/blob/main/buildvnc#L211-L229

dcommander commented 6 months ago

TurboVNC has always been distributed as a unified package ("always" = for almost 20 years), because a unified package is more intuitive for most users. This reflects the fact that TurboVNC is an enterprise solution, and even though it is fully open source, it has to compete with closed-source solutions (e.g. RealVNC) and hybrid solutions (e.g. ThinLinc, which is based on TigerVNC) in terms of ease of installation and use. Funded development is the only way I can work on open source projects full time, and that funded development generally comes from corporations whose deployment needs tend more toward simplicity than toward saving disk space. Thus, I have to be really sensitive to things such as ease of installation, because those things potentially affect my livelihood by virtue of affecting the uptake of TurboVNC among the types of organizations that are most likely to fund it.

The changes aren't as simple as you suggest. One issue is that the official build system generates the RPMs from the SRPM as a sanity check to ensure that the SRPM can be used as a pristine source. The choice of whether to build the viewer or server is embedded in the RPM spec file, so in fact, what you propose would require modifying the spec file so that it generates two binary packages from the same source package. For symmetry, ease of documentation, and intuitiveness, it would be necessary to do the same for the DEB packages, but that creates a whole new set of issues. It would minimally be necessary to modify the in-tree build/packaging system, the official build scripts, and the User's Guide. Then I would have to answer the inevitable tech support requests from people who didn't get the memo. (I guarantee you that there will be complaints.) Ultimately, you are asking me to contribute unpaid labor to make things easier for you but harder for myself. That doesn't make a lot of sense. I think it would be best if you maintain your own packages to meet your specific downstream needs, since those needs are not well aligned with our upstream needs.