TurboWarp / extensions

User-contributed unsandboxed extension gallery for TurboWarp
MIT License
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Translate all the extensions #1539

Closed GarboMuffin closed 3 months ago

GarboMuffin commented 3 months ago

update list with

set -euo pipefail
for i in $(find . -type f | grep '\.js$' | grep -v "docs-example" | sort); do
    slug="$(echo $i | sed 's/.\///' | sed 's/\.js//')"
    if [[ "$(cat $i)" =~ "Scratch.translate" ]]; then
        echo " - [x] $slug"
        echo " - [ ] $slug"
AshimeeAlt commented 3 months ago

Oh, my, god.

GarboMuffin commented 3 months ago

We're not going to bother translating the old pen+, so the only thing left is Simple 3D

GarboMuffin commented 3 months ago

@Xeltalliv do you think it is viable for Simple 3D to have translations, noting that the people who will be writing those translations will not have a background in 3D graphics?