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Suggestions for Audio Plugin #216

Open NDM1574 opened 1 year ago

NDM1574 commented 1 year ago

Pause Block Resume Block Stop [this sound] Block Stop sounds of [sprite/backdrop] Block Is Paused Reporter Skip to time [Number] in sound Block Set Speed/Pitch to [Number%] Set filter [Highpass] Block Set filter [Lowpass] Block Set filter [Bandpass] Block Set filter [Lowshelf] Block Set filter [Highshelf] Block Set filter [Peaking] Block Set filter [Notch] Block Set filter [Allpass] Block Connect Filter [Filter name] to [Sound name] Block Reset all filters Block Sound duration reporter Current time in sound reporter

Mickmick2012 commented 1 year ago

Pause and resume was meant to be in the extension, but, we couldn't find out how

echoless3484 commented 1 year ago

Pause and resume was meant to be in the extension, but, we couldn't find out how

I can send you some code of another extension that has it.

NDM1574 commented 1 year ago

Here is the code for Audiostream, btw i'm @echoless3484 . I have permission to post this.

`/ Experimental extension for Scratch. / var am_global_loop; class AudioStream { constructor(runtime, vm) { this.runtime = runtime; this.vm = vm; this.contextList=[]; this.contextBindings={}; this.assetSourceList={}; } getInfo() { return { "id": "audiostr", "name": "AudioStream 🔊", "color1": '#ba45ac', "color2": '#a8399b', "color3": '#942c88', "menuIconURI": Icon, "blocks": [ { opcode:'am_loadasset', blockType:"command", text:'load sound from project [SRC]', arguments:{ "SRC": { type: "string", menu: "audAssetList" } } }, { opcode:'am_playfromurl', blockType:"command", text:'load sound from URL/URI [URL]', arguments:{ "URL": { "type": "string", "defaultValue": 'https://cdn.lstv.ml/tw/meow.mp3' } } }, { opcode:'am_playnew', blockType:"command", text:'start playing [SRC] in a new context', arguments:{ "SRC": { type: "string", menu: "audAssetList" } } }, "---", { opcode:'am_usecontext', blockType:"command", text:'use [SPRITE]\'s context in this sprite', arguments:{ SPRITE:{type:"string",menu:"spriteList"} } }, "---", { opcode:'am_play', blockType:"command", text:'play', arguments:{} }, { opcode:'am_playandwait', blockType:"command", text:'play and wait till the end', arguments:{} }, { opcode:'am_resume', blockType:"command", text:'resume', arguments:{} }, { opcode:'am_pause', blockType:"command", text:'pause', arguments:{} }, { opcode:'am_stopthis', blockType:"command", text:'stop (this context)', arguments:{} }, { opcode:'am_stophim', blockType: "command", text: 'stop sounds of [SPRITE]', arguments:{SPRITE:{type:"string",menu:"spriteList"}} }, { opcode:'am_stop', blockType:"command", text:'stop all sounds', arguments:{} }, { opcode:'am_hasStopped', blockType:"Boolean", text:'has stopped', arguments:{} }, { opcode:'am_isPaused', blockType:"Boolean", text:'is paused', arguments:{} }, '---', { opcode:'am_getanalyser', blockType:"reporter", text:'get all visualizer data (slow)', arguments:{} }, { opcode:'am_getanalyserindex', blockType:"reporter", text:'get visualizer data at [INDEX]', arguments:{ "INDEX": { type: "number" } } }, { opcode:'am_analyserfft', blockType:"command", text:'set visualizer read size to [VAL] (must be power of 2)', arguments:{ "VAL": { "type": "number", "defaultValue": '256' } } }, "---", { opcode:'am_setvolume', blockType:"command", text:'set volume to [VAL]', arguments:{ "VAL": { "type": "number", "defaultValue": '1.0' } } }, { opcode:'am_getvolume', blockType:"reporter", text:'volume', arguments:{} }, "---", { opcode:'am_skipToTime', blockType:"command", text:'skip to time [VAL]', arguments:{ "VAL": { "type": "number", "defaultValue": '0' } } }, { opcode:'am_songDuration', blockType:"reporter", text:'sound duration', arguments:{} }, { opcode:'am_songCurrent', blockType:"reporter", text:'current time', arguments:{} }, "---", { opcode:'am_setpitch', blockType:"command", text:'set speed/pitch to [VAL]', arguments:{ "VAL": { "type": "number", "defaultValue": '0' } } }, { opcode:'am_setppitch', blockType:"command", text:'preservesPitch [VAL]', arguments:{ "VAL": { "type": "Boolean", "defaultValue": 'false' } } }, { opcode:'am_setstereo', blockType:"command", text:'set pan to [VAL] (-1 to 1)', arguments:{ "VAL": { "type": "number", "defaultValue": '0' } } }, { opcode:'am_setfilter', blockType:"command", text:'filter [FIL] set frequency [FQ] quality [Q]', arguments:{ "FIL": { "type": "string", "defaultValue": 'lowpass', "menu": "filtersmenu" }, "Q": { "type": "number", "defaultValue": '0' }, "FQ": { "type": "number", "defaultValue": '440' } } }, { opcode:'am_toglefilter', blockType:"command", text:'filter [FIL] [STATE]', arguments:{ "FIL": { "type": "string", "defaultValue": 'lowpass', "menu": "filtersmenu" }, "STATE": { "type": "string", "defaultValue": 'connect', "menu": "connectOrDisconnect" } } }, { opcode:'am_freset', blockType:"command", text:'reset all filters', arguments:{} }, { opcode:'am_connect', blockType:"command", text:'connect [STRING] to track [TRACK]', arguments:{ "STRING": { "type": "string", "defaultValue": 'filter1' }, "TRACK": { "type": "string", "defaultValue": 'track' } } }, { opcode:'amdisconnect', blockType:"command", text:'disconnect [STRING] from track [TRACK]', arguments:{ "STRING": { "type": "string", "defaultValue": 'filter1' }, "TRACK": { "type": "string", "defaultValue": 'track' } } }, ], "menus": { "filtersmenu": [{ text:"lowpass", value: "lowpass" }, { text:"highpass", value: "highpass" }, { text:"bandpass", value: "bandpass" }, { text:"lowshelf", value: "lowshelf" }, { text:"highshelf", value: "highshelf" }, { text:"peaking", value: "peaking" }, { text:"notch", value: "notch" }, { text:"allpass", value: "allpass" }], "connectOrDisconnect": [{ text:"connect", value: "connect" }, { text:"disconnect", value: "disconnect" }], audAssetList:{acceptReporters:true,items:'getProjectSounds'}, spriteList:{acceptReporters:true,items:'getSprites'} } } } getProjectSounds() { let sounds = this.vm.runtime.targets.map(s => s.sprite.sounds.map(a => { a.spriteName = s.sprite.name; return a })).flat(1).map(s=>{return{text:s.spriteName+" - "+s.name,value:s.assetId}}); return sounds?.length ? sounds : [{ text: "empty", value: "empty" }]; } getSprites(){ return this.vm.runtime.targets.map(s=>{return{text:s.sprite.name,value:s.id}}).flat(1) } //the "am" prefix is a remenant from the original (sandboxed) extension "AudioManager" made by me some time back, that i baseed this enhanced version off. getContext(id,opt){ if(this.contextBindings[id]&&id!=this.contextBindings[id])return this.getContext(this.contextBindings[id],opt); return this.contextList.find(c=>c.id==id)||(()=>{return this.newContext(id,opt)})() } getEditingContext(){} newContext(id,opt){ if(!opt)opt={}; let ctx={ id:id||this.contextList.length, isSimple:!!opt?.simple, source:document.createElement("audio"), effects:{}, filters:{}, volume:1 } if(opt?.src)ctx.source.src=opt.src; ctx.source.crossOrigin="anonymous"; ctx.source.preservesPitch=false; ctx.source.id="AudioStreamSource"+id; document.body.appendChild(ctx.source); if(!!!opt?.simple){ ctx.audio=new(window.AudioContext||window.webkitAudioContext); ctx.track=ctx.audio.createMediaElementSource(ctx.source); ctx.effects.gain=ctx.audio.createGain(); ctx.effects.panner=new StereoPannerNode(ctx.audio,{pan:0}); ["lowpass","highpass","bandpass","lowshelf","highshelf","peaking","notch","allpass"].forEach(f=>{ let bf=ctx.audio.createBiquadFilter(); bf.type=f; ctx.filters[f]=bf; }) ctx.analyser=ctx.audio.createAnalyser(); ctx.analyser.fftSize=2048; ctx.dataArray=new Uint8Array(ctx.analyser.frequencyBinCount); ctx.track.connect(ctx.effects.gain).connect(ctx.effects.panner).connect(ctx.analyser).connect(ctx.audio.destination); } this.contextList.push(ctx) return ctx } am_usecontext({SPRITE},u){ this.contextBindings[u.target.id]=SPRITE; console.log(this.contextBindings) } // am_unbind({},u){ // this.contextBindings[u.target.id]=u.target.id; // } am_loadasset({SRC},u){ let ctx=(!u?.source?.id)?this.getContext(u.target.id):u; if(this.assetSourceList[SRC]){ ctx.source.src=this.assetSourceList[SRC];return }; let asset=vm.assets.find(e=>e.assetId==SRC); if(!asset){console.log("[AudioStream] Media error: ",asset);return}; let src=URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([asset.data],{'type':asset.assetType.contentType})); ctx.source.src=src; this.assetSourceList[SRC]=src; console.log(this.assetSourceList); } am_playfromurl({URL},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); ctx.source.src = URL; } am_isloaded(){ return } am_stopthis({},u){ let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); ctx.source.currentTime=9e20; } am_stophim({SPRITE}){ let ctx=this.getContext(SPRITE); ctx.source.currentTime=9e20; } am_stop(){ this.contextList.forEach(ctx=>{ ctx.source.currentTime=9e20; }) } am_play({},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); ctx.source.currentTime=0.001; ctx.source.play(); } am_playandwait({},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); return new Promise(r => { ctx.source.currentTime = 0.001; ctx.source.play(); ctx.source.addEventListener("ended",r) }) } am_playnew({SRC}){ let id=btoa(Math.random()1e17); let ctx=this.newContext(id,{simple:true}); this.am_loadasset({SRC:SRC},ctx); ctx.source.currentTime=0; ctx.source.play(); ctx.source.addEventListener("ended",()=>{ ctx.source.remove(); this.contextList=this.contextList.filter(c=>c.id!=id) }) } am_resume({},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); ctx.source.play(); } am_pause({},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); ctx.source.pause(); } am_skipToTime({VAL},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); ctx.source.currentTime = VAL; } am_setpitch({VAL},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); /Calculate the pitch value to be closer to original Scratch*/ ctx.source.playbackRate=ctx.source.defaultPlaybackRate=VAL<0?VAL<-659?0.1:Math.abs(VAL)/700:VAL>700?15:VAL/50+1; } am_setvolume({VAL},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); ctx.volume=+VAL; if(ctx.volume>1){ctx.source.volume=1}else if(ctx.volume<0){ctx.source.volume=0}else{ctx.source.volume=ctx.volume}; } am_getvolume({},u){ let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); return ctx.volume } am_setstereo({VAL},u){ let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); ctx.effects.panner.pan.value = VAL; } am_setppitch({VAL,u}){ let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); ctx.source.preservesPitch = VAL; } am_setfilter({FIL,FQ,Q},u){ let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); if (FIL === "lowpass") { filter1.frequency.value = FQ; filter1.Q.value = Q; } else if (FIL === "highpass") { filter2.frequency.value = FQ; filter2.Q.value = Q; } else if (FIL === "bandpass") { filter3.frequency.value = FQ; filter3.Q.value = Q; } else if (FIL === "lowshelf") { filter4.frequency.value = FQ; filter4.Q.value = Q; } else if (FIL === "highshelf") { filter5.frequency.value = FQ; filter5.Q.value = Q; } else if (FIL === "peaking") { filter6.frequency.value = FQ; filter6.Q.value = Q; } else if (FIL === "notch") { filter7.frequency.value = FQ; filter7.Q.value = Q; } else if (FIL === "allpass") { filter8.frequency.value = FQ; filter8.Q.value = Q; } } am_toglefilter({FIL,STATE},u){ let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); if (FIL === "lowpass") { if (STATE === "connect") { track.connect(filter1) } else { filter1.disconnect() } } else if (FIL === "highpass") { if (STATE === "connect") { track.connect(filter2) } else { filter2.disconnect() } } else if (FIL === "bandpass") { if (STATE === "connect") { track.connect(filter3) } else { filter3.disconnect() } } else if (FIL === "lowshelf") { if (STATE === "connect") { track.connect(filter4) } else { filter4.disconnect() } } else if (FIL === "highshelf") { if (STATE === "connect") { track.connect(filter5) } else { filter5.disconnect() } } else if (FIL === "peaking") { if (STATE === "connect") { track.connect(filter6) } else { filter6.disconnect() } } else if (FIL === "notch") { if (STATE === "connect") { track.connect(filter7) } else { filter7.disconnect() } } else if (FIL === "allpass") { if (STATE === "connect") { track.connect(filter8) } else { filter8.disconnect() } } } am_freset({},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); filter1.frequency.value = FQ; filter1.Q.value = 0; filter2.frequency.value = FQ; filter2.Q.value = 0; filter3.frequency.value = FQ; filter3.Q.value = 0; filter4.frequency.value = FQ; filter4.Q.value = 0; filter5.frequency.value = FQ; filter5.Q.value = 0; filter6.frequency.value = FQ; filter6.Q.value = 0; filter7.frequency.value = FQ; filter7.Q.value = 0; filter8.frequency.value = FQ; filter8.Q.value = 0; } am_connect({STRING},u) { var utl2_theInstructions = "return " + STRING; var F = new Function(utl2_theInstructions); track.connect(F()); } am_disconnect({STRING},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); var utl2_theInstructions = "return " + STRING; var F = new Function(utl2_theInstructions); F().disconnect; } am_analyserfft({VAL},u){ let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); ctx.analyser.fftSize = VAL; } am_songDuration({},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); return ctx.source.duration; } am_getanalyser({},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); ctx.analyser.getByteTimeDomainData(ctx.dataArray); return JSON.stringify(ctx.dataArray); } am_getanalyserindex({INDEX},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); ctx.analyser.getByteTimeDomainData(ctx.dataArray); return ctx.dataArray[INDEX]; } am_songCurrent({},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); return ctx.source.currentTime; } am_hasStopped({},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); return ctx.source.ended; } am_isPaused({},u) { let ctx=this.getContext(u.target.id); return ctx.source.paused; } }

var Icon; TurboLoader.extension(async plugin => { Icon=await plugin.imageAsset("icon.svg"); plugin.set(AudioStream); plugin.changelog("- Fixed some CORS issues.") })`

SharkPool-SP commented 1 month ago

Try this, It has everything youre looking for, and more! Tune Shark V3 You can find it here: https://sharkpools-extensions.vercel.app/ or https://github.com/TurboWarp/extensions/pull/1489

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