TuringLang / Bijectors.jl

Implementation of normalising flows and constrained random variable transformations
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Add support for distributions with monotonically increasing `bijector` #297

Closed torfjelde closed 1 week ago

torfjelde commented 7 months ago

Related: https://github.com/TuringLang/Bijectors.jl/issues/220 and https://github.com/TuringLang/Bijectors.jl/issues/295

torfjelde commented 7 months ago

@sethaxen maybe you want to have a look at this

sunxd3 commented 7 months ago

Looks good to me, but maybe we want to wait for @sethaxen

torfjelde commented 7 months ago

Is there a reason this PR doesn't also add is_monotonically_decreasing?

I did consider this, but AFAIK the only monotonically decreasing bijectors we have right now is Scale with negative coefficients which will require runtime checks and thus made me hesitant (was going to raise an issue about this).

But it's probably worth it, so I'll add that too :+1:

Do we have any way to statically detect if a bijector is univariate?

Not at the moment, no.

All univariate bijections are strictly monotonic. So we could define

And because we don't, I'd prefer to make it all explicit so we end up with a method error / always return false instead of silently doing something strange.

torfjelde commented 7 months ago

Ah okay so now I remember another reason why I was holding back on is_monotonically_decreasing: AFAIK Scale is the only monotonically decreasing function we can have, but how do we implement is_monotonically_decreasing for ComposedFunction?

The condition

is_monotonically_decreasing(f.inner) && is_monotonically_decreasing(f.outer)

won't be correct, e.g. Scale(-1) and Scale(-1) are both monotonically decreasing, but their composition is not.

EDIT: Though this is of course also an issue for is_monotonically_increasing...

EDIT 2: Nvm, it all just boils down to

inner \ outer inc dec other
inc inc dec NA
dec dec inc NA
other NA NA NA
sethaxen commented 7 months ago

I don't understand the table, but I believe it amounts to first checking that all bijectors are (elementwise) univariate with all(x -> is_monotonically_increasing(x) | is_monotonically_decreasing(x), bijectors) and then checking that there are an odd number of decreasing bijectors with mapreduce(is_monotonically_decreasing, xor, bijectors).

torfjelde commented 7 months ago

My table is conveying the same idea, just on a per-composition-basis (since we're defining the method for ComposedFunction) :)

But I've now added support for monotonically decreasing functions too + tests:)

torfjelde commented 2 months ago

I was trying to replicate a Markov Switching GARCH model and ran into wanting ordered for a positively-constrained distriibutions. Hence, I sort of need this PR :grimacing: Any chance we could get it through?

torfjelde commented 2 months ago

@yebai @devmotion @sethaxen I believe this should be good to go

EDIT: Note the error in the tests has no relevance to this PR, so should probably just merge it. Though currently looking at whether this is reproducible.

torfjelde commented 2 months ago

I will merge this at the end of the day unless anyone else has any objections @devmotion @sethaxen :)

sethaxen commented 2 months ago

@torfjelde I haven't had a chance to check this directly myself, but does this do the right thing for products of heterogenous univariate distributions? It would be nice if a few cases were numerically checked via MC sampling. E.g. you could get exact MC draws with rejection sampling and then compare to MCMC draws and check expectations are similar using the MCSE.

torfjelde commented 2 months ago

Yeah was thinking the same; will do that :+1:

torfjelde commented 1 month ago

Aaaalrighty! Final got this thing working:)

Issue was that we added one too many transformations @sethaxen : should just be inverse(OrderedBijector()) ∘ b to we get a transformation from constrained to real, not binv ∘ inverse(OrderedBijector()) ∘ b, which takes us from constrained to constrained.

BUT one final thing: what should we put as a warning regarding usage of ordered @sethaxen? I'm still a bit uncertain about exactly what you meant; I thought I understood wrt. restriction and not accounting for normalization constant, but then the example with changing normalization constant (variance parameter changing in a MvNormal) seemed to work, so now I'm confused again :shrug:

torfjelde commented 1 month ago

Damn. Seems like we missed something in #313

torfjelde commented 1 month ago

Note that there doesn't seem to be anything incorrect with the impl, but it's failing because it's trying to compare elements which aren't part of the triangular part

torfjelde commented 1 month ago

Pfft well that was painful. Added comments regarding what the issue is + fixed it by introducing a wrapper to avoid comparing Matrix values with potentially undef entries.

Would you have a quick look at some point @sethaxen ? :pray: Think we're there now after we've addressed the following:)

BUT one final thing: what should we put as a warning regarding usage of ordered @sethaxen? I'm still a bit uncertain about exactly what you meant; I thought I understood wrt. restriction and not accounting for normalization constant, but then the example with changing normalization constant (variance parameter changing in a MvNormal) seemed to work, so now I'm confused again 🤷

sethaxen commented 1 month ago

Would you have a quick look at some point @sethaxen ? 🙏 Think we're there now after we've addressed the following:)

Cool will try to review this evening.

BUT one final thing: what should we put as a warning regarding usage of ordered @sethaxen? I'm still a bit uncertain about exactly what you meant; I thought I understood wrt. restriction and not accounting for normalization constant, but then the example with changing normalization constant (variance parameter changing in a MvNormal) seemed to work, so now I'm confused again 🤷

Sounds weird, I'll check the test.

torfjelde commented 1 month ago

Sounds weird, I'll check the test.

I was talking about the example that we were discussing in one of the other comments; specifically https://github.com/TuringLang/Bijectors.jl/pull/297#discussion_r1597708555

sethaxen commented 1 month ago

Ah, that's expected though. I assume you un-fixed the variance parameter and randomly sampled it within the rejection sampling inner loop? The issue here is that when the mean is the same for both components, then the variance actually has no impact on whether they are ordered. I think you should see a difference if you make the mean a reverse-ordered vector. The further the two mean components, the more pronounced the difference and the harder it is to rejection sample.

torfjelde commented 1 month ago

the example I talk about is not related to rejection sampling; I'm referring to the example you ran with NUTS:)

sethaxen commented 1 month ago

I was talking about the example that we were discussing in one of the other comments; specifically #297 (comment)

the example I talk about is not related to rejection sampling; I'm referring to the example you ran with NUTS:)

I'm confused which example you're referring to then. The one in the comment you linked to compares NUTS with rejection sampling, but it does so with fixed variance, so it would not manifest the issue I'm talking about. Here's an example that does:

example ```julia using Turing using Bijectors: ordered using LinearAlgebra using Random: Random using PosteriorStats @model function demo_ordered(μ) k = length(μ) σ² ~ filldist(truncated(Normal(), lower=0), k) x ~ ordered(MvNormal(μ, Diagonal(σ²))) return (; σ², x) end k = 2 num_samples = 1_000_000 num_chains = 8 # Sample using NUTS. μ = [3, 0] # note: reverse-ordered, most draws will be rejected model = demo_ordered(μ) Random.seed!(0) chain = sample(model, NUTS(), MCMCThreads(), num_samples ÷ num_chains, num_chains) xs_chain = permutedims(Array(chain)) σ²_chain = cat(only(get(chain, :σ²))...; dims=3) # Rejection sampling. σ²_exact = mapreduce(hcat, 1:num_samples) do _ while true σ² = rand(filldist(truncated(Normal(), lower=0), k)) d = MvNormal(μ, Diagonal(σ²)) xs = rand(d) issorted(xs) && return σ² end end qts = [0.05, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.95] qt_names = map(q -> Symbol("q$(Int(100 * q))"), qts) stats_with_mcses = ( Tuple(qt_names) => Base.Fix2(quantile, qts), (Symbol("$(qn)_mcse") => (x -> mcse(x; kind=Base.Fix2(quantile, q))) for (q, qn) in zip(qts, qt_names))..., ) ``` ```julia julia> PosteriorStats.summarize(σ²_chain, stats_with_mcses...; var_names=["σ²[1]", "σ²[2]"]) SummaryStats q5 q25 q50 q75 q95 q5_mcse q25_mcse q50_mcse q75_mcse q95_mcse σ²[1] 0.239 0.769 1.249 1.77 2.531 0.0031 0.0024 0.0030 0.0053 0.0031 σ²[2] 0.17 0.74 1.220 1.740 2.533 0.012 0.0052 0.0031 0.0025 0.0026 julia> PosteriorStats.summarize(reshape(σ²_exact', :, 1, 2), stats_with_mcses...; var_names=["σ²[1]", "σ²[2]"]) SummaryStats q5 q25 q50 q75 q95 q5_mcse q25_mcse q50_mcse q75_mcse q95_mcse σ²[1] 0.226 0.758 1.234 1.747 2.538 0.00087 0.00091 0.00092 0.0010 0.0017 σ²[2] 0.227 0.759 1.235 1.749 2.535 0.00081 0.00096 0.00094 0.0010 0.0020 ```

Note that the rejection sampling approach makes sense. The quantiles of the two variances should be about the same, since to get an ordered draw with a well-separated reverse-ordered mean, one needs to increase the variance, but it doesn't matter which variance is increased. But if we look at the HMC draws, we see that there's an asymmetry between the variances. This is due to the missing normalization factor. If we had a closed-form expression for it, we could test that, but I don't know one.

sethaxen commented 1 month ago

TBH I'm not certain if the above examples are even correct. The place I expect this to manifest is when conditioning. Which is implicitly what the rejection-sampling approach is doing (conditioning on x[1] > x[2]).

torfjelde commented 1 month ago

I'm confused which example you're referring to then. The one in the comment you linked to compares NUTS with rejection sampling, but it does so with fixed variance, so it would not manifest the issue I'm talking about.

Completely missed the fact that we were fixing the variance :facepalm:

Note that the rejection sampling approach makes sense. The quantiles of the two variances should be about the same, since to get an ordered draw with a well-separated reverse-ordered mean, one needs to increase the variance, but it doesn't matter which variance is increased.

Gotcha, gotcha; understand better now :+1:

Soooo how do we summarize all this into a simple warning for the end-user? :eyes:

torfjelde commented 3 weeks ago

This PR is just waiting for the following:

Soooo how do we summarize all this into a simple warning for the end-user?

Think it's worth waiting until @sethaxen is back to let him have a final say before we merge :+1:

sethaxen commented 1 week ago

Soooo how do we summarize all this into a simple warning for the end-user? 👀

Maybe an admonition saying something like:

The resulting ordered distribution is un-normalized. This is not a problem if used in a context where the normalizing factor is irrelevant, but if the value of the normalizing factor impacts the resulting computation, the results may be inaccurate. For example, if the distribution is used in sampling a posterior distribution with MCMC and the parameters of the ordered distribution are themselves sampled, then the normalizing factor would in general be needed for accurate sampling, and ordered should not be used. However, if the parameters are fixed, then since MCMC does not require distributions be normalized, ordered may be used without problems. A common case is where the distribution being ordered is a joint distribution of n identical univariate distributions. In this case the normalization factor works out to be the constant n!, and ordered can again be used without problems even if the parameters of the univariate distribution are sampled.

Not in love with it; feels too wordy.

torfjelde commented 1 week ago

Not in love with it; feels too wordy.

Added it, but did broke it up a bit + added a shorter warning to the initial parts of the docstring:) Thanks @sethaxen !