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flux to lux in bayes-nn #462

Closed shravanngoswamii closed 1 month ago

shravanngoswamii commented 1 month ago

It will be a great help if someone looks into this error, I do not know how it works!: Code: https://github.com/shravanngoswamii/docs/blob/d3c0e0de7930bc862ec355edd614788f1079b040/tutorials/03-bayesian-neural-network/index.qmd#L209C1-L213C4

shravanngoswamii commented 1 month ago

I do not know why the preview deployment is failing, its working fine when I open PR in my fork: preview: https://shravanngoswamii.github.io/docs/pr-previews/9/tutorials/03-bayesian-neural-network/ pr: https://github.com/shravanngoswamii/docs/pull/9

yebai commented 1 month ago

@shravanngoswamii It is like permission issues. If so, you can always create new branches within this repo rather than from your fork.

shravanngoswamii commented 1 month ago

@shravanngoswamii It is like permission issues. If so, you can always create new branches within this repo rather than from your fork.

Ohhk, let me look into this issue too, as in future if someone else opens pr then this should be working fine!

edit: fixed

yebai commented 1 month ago

Code: https://github.com/shravanngoswamii/docs/blob/d3c0e0de7930bc862ec355edd614788f1079b040/tutorials/03-bayesian-neural-network/index.qmd#L209C1-L213C4

@avik-pal do you know why we have this ReverseDiff related warning?

yebai commented 1 month ago

Also, @shravanngoswamii can you see whether we can improve the visualisation of the results? Here is a nice example for inspirations: https://playground.tensorflow.org/

YongchaoHuang commented 1 month ago

All codes work well on my side. Maybe we can reduce the trajectory length N = 5000 (Line 211) to N = 500 to reduce runtime. Also, safe to modify the nn_predict as:

function nn_predict(x, θ, num)
    num = min(num, size(θ, 1))  # make sure num does not exceed the number of samples
    return mean([first(nn_forward(x, view(θ, i, :))) for i in 1:10:num])

Further, following code snapshot allows user to choose from the drop-down menu a sample and plots the corresponding decision boundary (using Plotly.jl):

using PlotlyJS

mcmc_samples = [θ[k,:,1] for k in 1:10:200] # thinning the chain

function generate_decision_boundary_plot(θ)
    Z = [first(nn_forward([x1, x2], θ, ps)[1]) for x1 in x1_range, x2 in x2_range]
    contour = PlotlyJS.contour(x=x1_range, y=x2_range, z=Z, colorscale="Viridis")
    return contour

initial_plot = generate_decision_boundary_plot(mcmc_samples[1]) # generate initial plot

# create dropdown menu for selecting different MCMC samples
dropdown_buttons = [attr(
    label = "Sample $i",
    method = "restyle",
    args = [[json([generate_decision_boundary_plot(mcmc_samples[i])])]]
) for i in 1:N]

layout = Layout(
    title="Decision boundary based on chosen sample",

fig = Plot([initial_plot], layout)

Not sure if this is what you wanted @yebai.

avik-pal commented 1 month ago

Code: shravanngoswamii/docs@d3c0e0d/tutorials/03-bayesian-neural-network/index.qmd#L209C1-L213C4

@avik-pal do you know why we have this ReverseDiff related warning?

For the most part, that should be harmless; it is just telling you the layer got an Array{<:TrackedReal} instead of TrackedArray. The former tends to perform badly for neural networks, so we automatically convert that to a TrackedArray.

github-actions[bot] commented 1 month ago

Preview the changes: https://turinglang.org/docs/pr-previews/462

yebai commented 1 month ago

Further, following code snapshot allows user to choose from the drop-down menu a sample and plots the corresponding decision boundary (using Plotly.jl):

Let's keep things simple in this PR. I am mostly referring to improving the plotting and visualisation of results.

shravanngoswamii commented 1 month ago

Let's keep things simple in this PR. I am mostly referring to improving the plotting and visualisation of results.

I will look into adding interactivity in plots! let's keep this feature for another day!

shravanngoswamii commented 1 month ago

@yebai This PR is good to go after this issue:


# Perform inference.
N = 500
ch = sample(bayes_nn(reduce(hcat, xs), ts), NUTS(; adtype=AutoReverseDiff()), N);


┌ Warning: Lux.apply(m::Lux.AbstractExplicitLayer, x::AbstractArray{<:ReverseDiff.TrackedReal}, ps, st) input was corrected to Lux.apply(m::Lux.AbstractExplicitLayer, x::ReverseDiff.TrackedArray}, ps, st).
│ 1. If this was not the desired behavior overload the dispatch on `m`.
│ 2. This might have performance implications. Check which layer was causing this problem using `Lux.Experimental.@debug_mode`.
└ @ LuxReverseDiffExt ~/.julia/packages/Lux/PsbZF/ext/LuxReverseDiffExt.jl:25
┌ Info: Found initial step size
└   ϵ = 0.8

Preview: https://turinglang.org/docs/pr-previews/462/tutorials/03-bayesian-neural-network/

patrickm663 commented 1 month ago

It will be a great help if someone looks into this error, I do not know how it works!: Code: https://github.com/shravanngoswamii/docs/blob/d3c0e0de7930bc862ec355edd614788f1079b040/tutorials/03-bayesian-neural-network/index.qmd#L209C1-L213C4

Not sure if this helps things, but I found switching to Tracker.jl doesn't give any warnings. Results are fairly similar and Tracker.jl ends up being relatively fast (~85 sec to run 1,000 samples).