TuringSoftware / CrystalFetch

macOS UI for creating Windows installer ISO from UUPDump
Apache License 2.0
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CHNTPW crash during ISO preparation #10

Open LostInCompilation opened 1 year ago

LostInCompilation commented 1 year ago

I downloaded the latest insider preview ISO. After CrystalFetch switches from the download process to some kind of preparation, I get like 50 notifications saying chntpw crashed. This happened while CrystalFetch displayed a status message which contained the word "Cloud" (did not get it fully), but I think this was not the only status message where the crash occurred.

The ISO was created successfully though. I don't know yet if it is corrupted, need to test it first.

CHNTPW Crash Log (click to expand): ------------------------------------- Translated Report (Full Report Below) ------------------------------------- Process: chntpw [18721] Path: /Applications/CrystalFetch.app/Contents/MacOS/chntpw Identifier: chntpw Version: ??? Code Type: ARM-64 (Native) Parent Process: bash [18095] Responsible: CrystalFetch [18006] User ID: 501 Date/Time: 2023-08-05 00:08:02.9266 +0200 OS Version: macOS 13.5 (22G74) Report Version: 12 Anonymous UUID: 42AD81EF-FD24-EFBC-88E1-10D9FE3F5891 Sleep/Wake UUID: 1DDC5CF4-DF7A-4CC5-9E2C-D9F35AC1E61B Time Awake Since Boot: 76000 seconds Time Since Wake: 11803 seconds System Integrity Protection: enabled Crashed Thread: 0 Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread Exception Type: EXC_BREAKPOINT (SIGTRAP) Exception Codes: 0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000188c0be60 Termination Reason: Namespace SIGNAL, Code 5 Trace/BPT trap: 5 Terminating Process: exc handler [18721] Application Specific Information: detected buffer overflow Thread 0 Crashed:: Dispatch queue: com.apple.main-thread 0 libsystem_c.dylib 0x188c0be60 __chk_fail_overflow + 24 1 libsystem_c.dylib 0x188ba4434 __strcpy_chk + 108 2 chntpw 0x104a4a4f8 0x104a44000 + 25848 3 chntpw 0x104a4f9f0 0x104a44000 + 47600 4 chntpw 0x104a4e78c 0x104a44000 + 42892 5 dyld 0x1889a7f28 start + 2236 Thread 0 crashed with ARM Thread State (64-bit): x0: 0x0000000000000000 x1: 0x0000000000000000 x2: 0x0000000000000000 x3: 0x0000000000000000 x4: 0x0000000000000000 x5: 0x0000000000000000 x6: 0x0000000000000000 x7: 0x0000000000000000 x8: 0x470ef41063ab0036 x9: 0x470ef41063ab0036 x10: 0xfffffffe774de3bb x11: 0x0000000000000100 x12: 0x0000000000000040 x13: 0x00000000000007fb x14: 0x000000008001fffb x15: 0x000000008001fffb x16: 0xfffffffffffffff4 x17: 0x00000001e88a7f98 x18: 0x0000000000000000 x19: 0x00000001403b1c10 x20: 0x000000016b3bb721 x21: 0x0000000000000001 x22: 0x00000000003a9be0 x23: 0x00000001403b1bfc x24: 0x00000001402dee14 x25: 0x00000000002d5d60 x26: 0x000000016b3bb334 x27: 0x00000000002d6e14 x28: 0x000000016b3bb71c fp: 0x000000016b3bb240 lr: 0xc16b800188c0be60 sp: 0x000000016b3bb240 pc: 0x0000000188c0be60 cpsr: 0x60001000 far: 0x00000001e3d94838 esr: 0xf2000001 (Breakpoint) brk 1 Binary Images: 0x104a44000 - 0x104a53fff chntpw (*) /Applications/CrystalFetch.app/Contents/MacOS/chntpw 0x104fa4000 - 0x10515ffff com.github.krzyzanowskim.OpenSSL (1.0.0) /Applications/CrystalFetch.app/Contents/Frameworks/OpenSSL.framework/Versions/A/OpenSSL 0x188b97000 - 0x188c15ff7 libsystem_c.dylib (*) <949943e2-52cb-3c95-ab08-7ed984333d03> /usr/lib/system/libsystem_c.dylib 0x1889a2000 - 0x188a30587 dyld (*) /usr/lib/dyld External Modification Summary: Calls made by other processes targeting this process: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0 Calls made by this process: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0 Calls made by all processes on this machine: task_for_pid: 0 thread_create: 0 thread_set_state: 0 VM Region Summary: ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=809.7M resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=809.7M(100%) Writable regions: Total=874.2M written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=874.2M(100%) VIRTUAL REGION REGION TYPE SIZE COUNT (non-coalesced) =========== ======= ======= Activity Tracing 256K 1 Kernel Alloc Once 32K 1 MALLOC 241.7M 19 MALLOC guard page 96K 5 MALLOC_MEDIUM (reserved) 240.0M 2 reserved VM address space (unallocated) MALLOC_NANO (reserved) 384.0M 1 reserved VM address space (unallocated) STACK GUARD 56.0M 1 Stack 8176K 1 __AUTH 46K 11 __AUTH_CONST 72K 38 __DATA 241K 39 __DATA_CONST 391K 41 __DATA_DIRTY 78K 22 __LINKEDIT 802.7M 3 __OBJC_RO 66.4M 1 __OBJC_RW 2012K 1 __TEXT 7120K 43 dyld private memory 272K 2 shared memory 32K 2 =========== ======= ======= TOTAL 1.8G 234 TOTAL, minus reserved VM space 1.2G 234 ----------- Full Report ----------- {"app_name":"chntpw","timestamp":"2023-08-05 00:08:03.00 +0200","app_version":"","sroute_id":3,"slice_uuid":"c4760136-80e5-3045-9cc3-e627dfe58557","build_version":"","platform":1,"share_with_app_devs":0,"is_first_party":1,"bug_type":"309","os_version":"macOS 13.5 (22G74)","roots_installed":0,"name":"chntpw","incident_id":"58DB8C64-97EE-4E56-A6BF-AC2FDC31925B"} { "uptime" : 76000, "procRole" : "Unspecified", "version" : 2, "userID" : 501, "deployVersion" : 210, "modelCode" : "MacBookPro18,1", "coalitionID" : 6297, "osVersion" : { "train" : "macOS 13.5", "build" : "22G74", "releaseType" : "User" }, "captureTime" : "2023-08-05 00:08:02.9266 +0200", "incident" : "58DB8C64-97EE-4E56-A6BF-AC2FDC31925B", "pid" : 18721, "translated" : false, "cpuType" : "ARM-64", "roots_installed" : 0, "bug_type" : "309", "procLaunch" : "2023-08-05 00:08:02.8988 +0200", "procStartAbsTime" : 1834745617641, "procExitAbsTime" : 1834746275039, "procName" : "chntpw", "procPath" : "\/Applications\/CrystalFetch.app\/Contents\/MacOS\/chntpw", "parentProc" : "bash", "parentPid" : 18095, "coalitionName" : "llc.turing.CrystalFetch", "crashReporterKey" : "42AD81EF-FD24-EFBC-88E1-10D9FE3F5891", "responsiblePid" : 18006, "responsibleProc" : "CrystalFetch", "codeSigningID" : "llc.turing.CrystalFetch.chntpw", "codeSigningTeamID" : "WDNLXAD4W8", "codeSigningFlags" : 570503953, "codeSigningValidationCategory" : 4, "codeSigningTrustLevel" : 0, "wakeTime" : 11803, "sleepWakeUUID" : "1DDC5CF4-DF7A-4CC5-9E2C-D9F35AC1E61B", "sip" : "enabled", "sroute_id" : 3, "exception" : {"codes":"0x0000000000000001, 0x0000000188c0be60","rawCodes":[1,6589300320],"type":"EXC_BREAKPOINT","signal":"SIGTRAP"}, "termination" : {"flags":0,"code":5,"namespace":"SIGNAL","indicator":"Trace\/BPT trap: 5","byProc":"exc handler","byPid":18721}, "os_fault" : {"process":"chntpw"}, "asi" : {"libsystem_c.dylib":["detected buffer overflow"]}, "extMods" : {"caller":{"thread_create":0,"thread_set_state":0,"task_for_pid":0},"system":{"thread_create":0,"thread_set_state":0,"task_for_pid":0},"targeted":{"thread_create":0,"thread_set_state":0,"task_for_pid":0},"warnings":0}, "faultingThread" : 0, "threads" : [{"triggered":true,"id":687214,"threadState":{"x":[{"value":0},{"value":0},{"value":0},{"value":0},{"value":0},{"value":0},{"value":0},{"value":0},{"value":5120298177595637814},{"value":5120298177595637814},{"value":18446744067121210299},{"value":256},{"value":64},{"value":2043},{"value":2147614715},{"value":2147614715},{"value":18446744073709551604},{"value":8196358040},{"value":0},{"value":5372582928},{"value":6094042913},{"value":1},{"value":3840992},{"value":5372582908},{"value":5371719188},{"value":2973024},{"value":6094041908},{"value":2977300},{"value":6094042908}],"flavor":"ARM_THREAD_STATE64","lr":{"value":13937374215905787488},"cpsr":{"value":1610616832},"fp":{"value":6094041664},"sp":{"value":6094041664},"esr":{"value":4060086273,"description":"(Breakpoint) brk 1"},"pc":{"value":6589300320,"matchesCrashFrame":1},"far":{"value":8117635128}},"queue":"com.apple.main-thread","frames":[{"imageOffset":478816,"symbol":"__chk_fail_overflow","symbolLocation":24,"imageIndex":2},{"imageOffset":54324,"symbol":"__strcpy_chk","symbolLocation":108,"imageIndex":2},{"imageOffset":25848,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":47600,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":42892,"imageIndex":0},{"imageOffset":24360,"symbol":"start","symbolLocation":2236,"imageIndex":3}]}], "usedImages" : [ { "source" : "P", "arch" : "arm64", "base" : 4372840448, "size" : 65536, "uuid" : "c4760136-80e5-3045-9cc3-e627dfe58557", "path" : "\/Applications\/CrystalFetch.app\/Contents\/MacOS\/chntpw", "name" : "chntpw" }, { "source" : "P", "arch" : "arm64", "base" : 4378476544, "CFBundleShortVersionString" : "1.0.0", "CFBundleIdentifier" : "com.github.krzyzanowskim.OpenSSL", "size" : 1818624, "uuid" : "a010daee-c104-331c-b926-8c275f1150b9", "path" : "\/Applications\/CrystalFetch.app\/Contents\/Frameworks\/OpenSSL.framework\/Versions\/A\/OpenSSL", "name" : "OpenSSL", "CFBundleVersion" : "1" }, { "source" : "P", "arch" : "arm64e", "base" : 6588821504, "size" : 520184, "uuid" : "949943e2-52cb-3c95-ab08-7ed984333d03", "path" : "\/usr\/lib\/system\/libsystem_c.dylib", "name" : "libsystem_c.dylib" }, { "source" : "P", "arch" : "arm64e", "base" : 6586769408, "size" : 583048, "uuid" : "e7a99595-e0f8-34af-be8b-9347d0d658a4", "path" : "\/usr\/lib\/dyld", "name" : "dyld" } ], "sharedCache" : { "base" : 6586105856, "size" : 3553361920, "uuid" : "9c875b0a-d532-3933-b1f0-f1ea72cedde2" }, "vmSummary" : "ReadOnly portion of Libraries: Total=809.7M resident=0K(0%) swapped_out_or_unallocated=809.7M(100%)\nWritable regions: Total=874.2M written=0K(0%) resident=0K(0%) swapped_out=0K(0%) unallocated=874.2M(100%)\n\n VIRTUAL REGION \nREGION TYPE SIZE COUNT (non-coalesced) \n=========== ======= ======= \nActivity Tracing 256K 1 \nKernel Alloc Once 32K 1 \nMALLOC 241.7M 19 \nMALLOC guard page 96K 5 \nMALLOC_MEDIUM (reserved) 240.0M 2 reserved VM address space (unallocated)\nMALLOC_NANO (reserved) 384.0M 1 reserved VM address space (unallocated)\nSTACK GUARD 56.0M 1 \nStack 8176K 1 \n__AUTH 46K 11 \n__AUTH_CONST 72K 38 \n__DATA 241K 39 \n__DATA_CONST 391K 41 \n__DATA_DIRTY 78K 22 \n__LINKEDIT 802.7M 3 \n__OBJC_RO 66.4M 1 \n__OBJC_RW 2012K 1 \n__TEXT 7120K 43 \ndyld private memory 272K 2 \nshared memory 32K 2 \n=========== ======= ======= \nTOTAL 1.8G 234 \nTOTAL, minus reserved VM space 1.2G 234 \n", "legacyInfo" : { "threadTriggered" : { "queue" : "com.apple.main-thread" } }, "logWritingSignature" : "5be7c25434d34cf875622bdd98695341e421ae5f", "trialInfo" : { "rollouts" : [ { "rolloutId" : "62fe74515312cd4599bd3c80", "factorPackIds" : { "MYRIAD_BOOSTS" : "62fe74805312cd4599bd3c81" }, "deploymentId" : 240000006 }, { "rolloutId" : "61675b89201f677a9a4cbd65", "factorPackIds" : { "HEALTH_FEATURE_AVAILABILITY" : "647fcfcf5c90e475dbce1ce0" }, "deploymentId" : 240000058 } ], "experiments" : [ { "treatmentId" : "d0f6b534-d7c4-4f38-8e01-a0cdc99f9c3f", "experimentId" : "645b950d4dec7a5102737ec1", "deploymentId" : 400000005 }, { "treatmentId" : "8ca8349c-e2bc-482c-9ca7-3907b48a5341", "experimentId" : "648b5a581b04c12d4127bbb6", "deploymentId" : 400000002 } ] } } Model: MacBookPro18,1, BootROM 8422.141.2, proc 10:8:2 processors, 16 GB, SMC Graphics: Apple M1 Pro, Apple M1 Pro, Built-In Display: Color LCD, 3456 x 2234 Retina, Main, MirrorOff, Online Memory Module: LPDDR5, Samsung AirPort: spairport_wireless_card_type_wifi (0x14E4, 0x4387), wl0: May 27 2023 01:34:59 version FWID 01-126f2c4c Bluetooth: Version (null), 0 services, 0 devices, 0 incoming serial ports Network Service: Wi-Fi, AirPort, en0 USB Device: USB31Bus USB Device: USB31Bus USB Device: USB31Bus Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc. Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc. Thunderbolt Bus: MacBook Pro, Apple Inc.