TurkServer / meteor-tutorials

Create super cool animated tutorials for your Meteor app.
MIT License
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bump version #? #6

Closed jcchin closed 10 years ago

jcchin commented 10 years ago

Hello! When adding your package on atmosphere, it's still using version 0.6.3 (dated August 9th) and is consequently still dependent on "mrt:bootstrap-3@3.1.1-1".

Will bumping your version number resolve this? Thanks! -Jeff

mizzao commented 10 years ago

Got it, will bump and push out a new version shortly.

mizzao commented 10 years ago

I just released 0.6.4 which also updates the helper syntax. It's dependent on mizzao:bootstrap-3 which I maintain and seems to be the most widely used BS3 package. Can you tell me if it is more to your liking?

jcchin commented 10 years ago

Hey @mizzao It's working great, thanks. I submitted a PR to update the README to reflect the new helper syntax as well.