TurnkeyTyranny / buildlog-lasercutter-marlin

Marlin firmware modified and configured for LMN's buildlog.net inspired lasercutter
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Stepper Direction Reversed #6

Open chils41 opened 8 years ago

chils41 commented 8 years ago

The machine Homes correctly at Top-Left corer via LCD menu. When I run gcode file it cuts everything inverted ie upside down mirror image. Both X and Y are reversed.

If I invert stepper motor wiring OR change code #define INVERT_X_DIR or _Y_DIR it changes the direction of stepper such that now machine want to home at Bottom-Right corner. Resulting in grinding of course. I also tried to change #define X_HOME_DIR and Y_HOME_DIR to 1 but then the head moves just few steps up and left towards TOP-Left corner and stops.

K40 Laser Cutter Ramps 1.4 with Arduino Mega2560 GCode generated from LansingMakers online tool here: http://laserbeta.lansingmakersnetwork.org/

Please Help!

chils41 commented 8 years ago

Edit: 12/6/15

Upon looking at the cuts what I see is only Y axes is inverted/reversed. Going to try to flip the values again for INVERT_Y_DIR and Y_HOME_DIR. Really hoping for this to work.