TurqW / LongSphinx

Discord bot made to help with role management and RPG playing. Name inspired by the Terra Ignota series by Ada Palmer.
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Dice upgrades #9

Closed TurqW closed 5 years ago

TurqW commented 6 years ago

We'd like to upgrade the dice system to handle more complex inputs: modifiers, sets of independent rolls, advantage, and so on. https://anydice.com/ probably has more features than we need, but it may be something to look at.

TurqW commented 5 years ago

Important subtasks, in order:

Fix output: Output should include @requester, equation format with result. This would probably work best in an embed. Example: !roll 1d20 Output: @Walt rolled!

(17) = 17

Modifiers: We should include plus/minus modifiers in the results.

Multi-dice rolls: Already supported, but due for changes. Probably want something like !roll 1d20+5, 1d8 + 3

Macros: Example: !saveroll 1d20+5, 1d8+3 : rapier Output: @walterw9000 , you saved 1d20+5, 1d8+3 as 'rapier'! try it with !roll rapier

!roll rapier Output: @walterw9000 rolled 'rapier'!

(12) + 5 = 17
(6) + 3 = 9