TuryRx / Banana-pi-m2-zero-GPIO

gpio pin configuration and use project on Bananapi m2 zero board
38 stars 8 forks source link

Problem with SD image from download section. #14

Open electroscat opened 1 year ago

electroscat commented 1 year ago

Good time! The topic of this question does not apply to the author's GPIO work. However, I have not yet found a solution to this problem, so I want to know if the author of the project had a similar problem, and how it was solved.

In the image that the author provides for download with a preinstalled patch, bluetooth does not work.

Here are some details, the problem is most likely at the level of the driver, the bluetooth module:

Faced the same problem, bluetooth does not work.

pi@bananapim2zero:~$ dmesg | grep Blue
[    7.503852] Bluetooth: Core ver 2.22
[    7.504188] Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized
[    7.504217] Bluetooth: HCI socket layer initialized
[    7.504228] Bluetooth: L2CAP socket layer initialized
[    7.504264] Bluetooth: SCO socket layer initialized
[    7.657155] Bluetooth: HCI UART driver ver 2.3
[    7.657201] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol H4 registered
[    7.657208] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol BCSP registered
[    7.657369] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol LL registered
[    7.657388] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol ATH3K registered
[    7.657587] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol Three-wire (H5) registered
[    7.658160] Bluetooth: HCI UART protocol Broadcom registered
[    9.911415] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0xfc18 tx timeout
[   17.911305] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: failed to write update baudrate (-110)
[   17.911366] Bluetooth: hci0: Failed to set baudrate
[   19.983846] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0c03 tx timeout
[   21.908344] Bluetooth: BNEP (Ethernet Emulation) ver 1.3
[   21.908386] Bluetooth: BNEP filters: protocol multicast
[   21.908412] Bluetooth: BNEP socket layer initialized
[   28.151347] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: Reset failed (-110)
[   30.167373] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0xfc18 tx timeout
[   38.391358] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: failed to write update baudrate (-110)
[   38.391399] Bluetooth: hci0: Failed to set baudrate
[   40.407355] Bluetooth: hci0: command 0x0c03 tx timeout
[   48.631404] Bluetooth: hci0: BCM: Reset failed (-110)
pi@bananapim2zero:~$ service bluetooth status
● bluetooth.service - Bluetooth service
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: active (running) since Sat 2023-03-04 21:36:25 IST; 1min 57s ago
       Docs: man:bluetoothd(8)
   Main PID: 1226 (bluetoothd)
     Status: "Running"
      Tasks: 1 (limit: 900)
     Memory: 2.0M
     CGroup: /system.slice/bluetooth.service
             └─1226 /usr/lib/bluetooth/bluetoothd

Mar 04 21:36:21 bananapim2zero systemd[1]: Starting Bluetooth service...
Mar 04 21:36:24 bananapim2zero bluetoothd[1226]: Bluetooth daemon 5.53
Mar 04 21:36:25 bananapim2zero systemd[1]: Started Bluetooth service.
Mar 04 21:36:25 bananapim2zero bluetoothd[1226]: Starting SDP server
Mar 04 21:36:25 bananapim2zero bluetoothd[1226]: Bluetooth management interface 1.21 initialized
pi@bananapim2zero:~$ service hciuart status
● hciuart.service - Configure Bluetooth Modems connected by UART
     Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/hciuart.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
     Active: inactive (dead)
  Condition: start condition failed at Sat 2023-03-04 21:38:05 IST; 23s ago
             └─ ConditionFileNotEmpty=/proc/device-tree/soc/gpio@7e200000/bt_pins/brcm,pins was not met

Mar 04 21:37:38 bananapim2zero systemd[1]: Dependency failed for Configure Bluetooth Modems connected by
Mar 04 21:37:38 bananapim2zero systemd[1]: hciuart.service: Job hciuart.service/start failed with result
Mar 04 21:38:05 bananapim2zero systemd[1]: Condition check resulted in Configure Bluetooth Modems connect

the bluetooth service is working, but the hciuart service is dead, and after restarting it is also dead.


pi@bananapim2zero:~$ uname -ra                                                                          
Linux bananapim2zero 5.15.93-sunxi #23.02.2 SMP Fri Feb 17 23:49:46 UTC 2023 armv7l armv7l armv7l GNU/Linux
pi@bananapim2zero:~$ rfkill list
0: hci0: Bluetooth
        Soft blocked: no
        Hard blocked: no
1: phy0: Wireless LAN
        Soft blocked: no
        Hard blocked: no

Devices are missing.

Please advise what can be done? I need to connect a wireless keyboard to my device, I can't do it...

Device Bananapi m2 zero

Thanks in advance for any response!

Detailed system information:

pi@bananapim2zero:~$ inxi -Fxxxrz
System:    Kernel: 5.15.93-sunxi armv7l bits: 32 compiler: N/A Console: tty 0 dm: N/A
           Distro: Ubuntu 20.04.5 LTS (Focal Fossa)
Machine:   Type: ARM Device System: Banana Pi BPI-M2-Zero details: Allwinner sun8i Family rev: N/A
           serial: <filter>
CPU:       Topology: Quad Core model: ARMv7 v7l variant: cortex-a7 bits: 32 type: MCP arch: v7l
           rev: 5
           features: Use -f option to see features bogomips: 260
           Speed: 1368 MHz max: 1368 MHz Core speeds (MHz): 1: 1368 2: 1368 3: 1368 4: 1368
Graphics:  Device-1: sun8i-h3-mali driver: lima v: kernel bus ID: N/A chip ID: allwinner:1c40000
           Device-2: sun8i-h3-dw-hdmi driver: sun8i_dw_hdmi v: N/A bus ID: N/A
           chip ID: allwinner:1ee0000
           Device-3: sun8i-h3-display-engine driver: sun4i_drm v: N/A bus ID: N/A
           chip ID: allwinner:display-engine
           Display: server: No display server data found. Headless machine? tty: 105x51
           Message: Unable to show advanced data. Required tool glxinfo missing.
Audio:     Device-1: sun8i-h3-dw-hdmi driver: sun8i_dw_hdmi bus ID: N/A chip ID: allwinner:1ee0000
           Device-2: sun9i-a80-hdmi-audio driver: sun9i_hdmi_audio v: kernel bus ID: N/A
           chip ID: allwinner:sound_hdmi
           Device-3: Generalplus type: USB driver: hid-generic,snd-usb-audio,usbhid bus ID: 1-1.4:5
           chip ID: 1b3f:2008
           Sound Server: ALSA v: k5.15.93-sunxi
Network:   Device-1: mmc-pwrseq-simple driver: pwrseq_simple v: kernel port: N/A bus ID: N/A
           chip ID: mmc-pwrseq-simple:wifi_pwrseq
           Device-2: sun8i-h3-emac driver: N/A port: N/A bus ID: N/A chip ID: allwinner:soc
           IF: enx00e04c534458 state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
           Device-3: ICS Advent DM9601 Fast Ethernet Adapter type: USB driver: dm9601 bus ID: 1-1.2:4
           chip ID: 0fe6:9700
           IF: enx00e04c534458 state: up speed: 100 Mbps duplex: full mac: <filter>
           IF-ID-1: wlan0 state: down mac: <filter>
Drives:    Local Storage: total: 11.15 GiB used: 3.20 GiB (28.7%)
           ID-1: /dev/mmcblk0 model: SS08G size: 7.40 GiB serial: <filter> scheme: MBR
           ID-2: /dev/sda type: USB model: General USB Flash Disk size: 3.75 GiB serial: <filter>
           rev: 1100 scheme: MBR
Partition: ID-1: / size: 6.83 GiB used: 3.19 GiB (46.6%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/mmcblk0p1
           ID-2: /var/log size: 48.4 MiB used: 12.8 MiB (26.4%) fs: ext4 dev: /dev/zram1
Sensors:   System Temperatures: cpu: 59.0 C mobo: N/A
           Fan Speeds (RPM): N/A
Repos:     Active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list
           1: deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ focal main restricted universe multiverse
           2: deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ focal-security main restricted universe multiverse
           3: deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ focal-updates main restricted universe multiverse
           4: deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ focal-backports main restricted universe multiverse
           5: deb http://ports.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-ports/ focal universe multiverse restricted
           Active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/armbian.list
           1: deb http://apt.armbian.com focal main focal-utils focal-desktop
           Active apt repos in: /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ekundo_ppa_list_file.list
           1: deb [signed-by=/etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/ekundo_ppa.gpg] https://ekundo.github.io/mc/ppa ./
Info:      Processes: 127 Uptime: 42m Memory: 491.7 MiB used: 110.3 MiB (22.4%) Init: systemd v: 245
           runlevel: 5 Compilers: gcc: 9.4.0 alt: 9 Shell: bash v: 5.0.17 running in: tty 0 (SSH)
           inxi: 3.0.38

Help solve the problem, this assembly is very good, everything you need except bluetooth works on it. Please help, at least throw a link to some forum to solve the problem.

TuryRx commented 1 year ago

Hi friend, good morning

Yes, in fact, I had already been told a bit about this topic but I didn't have much time to dedicate to it, but in the review I was preliminary assuming that you are using this image


check that it is the subject of an update since it reconfigures the driver here there are two solutions the first is to generate a more updated sun8i-h2-plus-bananapi-m2-zero.dtb so that you can replace it in the image of your sd, with this would only have to replace the file give an update an upgrade and a full-upgrade

The second is to replace the bluetooth module configuration but in practical cases this only worked for me once.

And for later issues I made this image very green, weighing in on other functionalities and in this case, modifying certain issues or making an update can damage something or modify a dependency, but I am currently correcting this and I hope that as soon as I finish the new compilations can generate a new image already preconfigured

electroscat commented 1 year ago

I understood what the problem is. Bluetooth uses UART, and when all (3) UARTs are selected at once in the equipment settings, bluetooth cannot work. If you leave at least 1 UART unselected, the driver starts without errors and everything works as it should.

https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/62630527/176098535-1e0e271e-efa2-4d2a-9b33-d79351db8bed.PNG Here it is necessary to clarify that if you select all three UARTs, then the bluetooth will not work, the driver will fail with an error.

TuryRx commented 1 year ago

ok friend, I had not seen it that way since the first thing that came to my mind with that problem is that it was a matter of controllers or dependencies, that is why I had the option of the dtb file but now that you tell me I think that I could correct this from the overlay layer to be able to continue using the uart port or the other case would only be handling a uart but I think that should be seen according to the needs :smile: