Tushar-N / attributes-as-operators

Attribute-Object Visual Composition using Attributes as Operators
MIT License
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How to compute the mAP for the model?? #4

Closed sanchitchip closed 5 years ago

sanchitchip commented 5 years ago

Hi can you direct exactly how to compute the mAP for a trained model??there is a function score_mAP but i am kind of finding it confusing [RedWIne]

Tushar-N commented 5 years ago

Hi, we didn't explicitly evaluate our models on the mAP metric (we focused on classification accuracy), so I don't have working code written out for it. If you do want to compute it, it can be done on the scores computed here. Just a warning though, these scores are raw distances, and are not scaled.

sanchitchip commented 5 years ago

Oh Ok Thanks alot