Tustin / PlayStationDiscord

Discord Rich Presence for PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita games.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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You,ll need a new app to open com.playstation.playstationapp link fix #197

Closed Rudra2022 closed 2 years ago

Rudra2022 commented 2 years ago


Describe the bugIt is showing You,ll need a new app to open com.playstation.playstationapp link please check in microsoft store

Log Provide the bottom (or all) of your log file for PlayStationDiscord.

**Additional contextI dont know what is hapenning im online in my account but still its showing offline please help me in this issue

daazayy3ee commented 2 years ago

currently, I'm having the same issue

guiathayde commented 2 years ago

currently, I'm having the same issue