Tutorials-By-Kaupenjoe / Forge-Tutorial-1.20.X

Repository for my Forge 1.20.X Tutorial Series on YouTube. Playlist link below!
MIT License
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Help #10

Open RafaOryan17 opened 1 month ago

RafaOryan17 commented 1 month ago

Captura de pantalla 2024-05-22 232811

I have a problem with ModLootTableProvider. Once I finish ModBlocksLootTables, I get this error in ModLootTableProvider (the code is literally copy-pasted and I just changed the blocks; maybe it's due to the version since I'm doing it in 1.20.6).

The error: 'LootTableProvider(net.minecraft.data.PackOutput, java.util.Set<net.minecraft.resources.ResourceKey>, java.util.List, java.util.concurrent.CompletableFuture)' in 'net.minecraft.data.loot.LootTableProvider' cannot be applied to '(net.minecraft.data.PackOutput, java.util.Set<net.minecraft.resources.ResourceKey>, java.util.List)'

Unknown303YT commented 1 month ago

@RafaOryan17 Mojang changed a lot of things in Forge 1.20.2, so all of the tutorials are made for 1.20.1. Downgrade to that, and all code from the tutorials should work. Unfortunate, I know, but that is the best we can do without rewriting all code. Hopefully 1.21 Tutorials show how we can do some of those things.