Tutorials-By-Kaupenjoe / Forge-Tutorial-1.20.X

Repository for my Forge 1.20.X Tutorial Series on YouTube. Playlist link below!
MIT License
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Help #11

Open KingEnte opened 1 month ago

KingEnte commented 1 month ago

I tried to follow the tutorial video. https://youtu.be/55qUIf3GMss

But when I reload my Gradle, I get this error.

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I just started coding, so I don't have any clue what's going on On the parchment website, it's stated I need at least the Version 5.1.2 of Forgegradle and 7.1.1 of Gradle.

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I thought maybe I have not the correct version because I try to create a mod on an older version, but I just installed IntelliJ IDEA and everything else I guess that's not the Problem.

Here are all the things I think that are needed:

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KingEnte commented 1 month ago

I got in the Video to 11:30min

Unknown303YT commented 1 month ago

@KingEnte If you upload your code to something like Google Drive, I could help debug, but I can't really crosscheck very easily with just a few screenshots.

KingEnte commented 1 month ago

I downloaded the Code from his GitHub, and it seems to work for an older Version of Forge. So I just switched to his, so now it works. Thanks for trying though