Tutorials-By-Kaupenjoe / Forge-Tutorial-1.20.X

Repository for my Forge 1.20.X Tutorial Series on YouTube. Playlist link below!
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Cannot access .datagen.ModBlockStateProvider whern trying to run gradle datagen #9

Closed Prism182 closed 3 months ago

Prism182 commented 3 months ago

.datagen.ModBlockStateProvider in DataGenerators.java file

Sorry if this is an easy fix, i am very new to java

My github repo is at https://github.com/Prism182/Forge-tutorial-mod any help and/or guidance would be appreciated

Prism182 commented 3 months ago

fixed the problem, just reloaded intellij but ran into another problems, fixed now and have just realised DO NOT include numbers in the directory i.e. the 182 in prism182 in the folder net.prism182.tutorialmod.etc.etc should instead be net.prism.tutorialmod.etc.etc