Tuurlijk / TYPO3.Homestead

One-stop Neos and TYPO3 development and review environment. Effortlessly test one site against multiple PHP versions and hhvm.
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vagrant up fails #23

Open jpgreth opened 8 years ago

jpgreth commented 8 years ago

When I follow the documentation, i get the following error:

C:\Users\[...]\TYPO3.Homestead vagrant box\TYPO3.Homestead>vagrant up
Bringing machine 'default' up with 'virtualbox' provider...
==> default: Importing base box 'Michiel/Development'...
==> default: Matching MAC address for NAT networking...
==> default: Checking if box 'Michiel/Development' is up to date...
==> default: Setting the name of the VM: TYPO3Homestead_default_1454576889392_13490
==> default: Clearing any previously set network interfaces...
==> default: Preparing network interfaces based on configuration...
    default: Adapter 1: nat
    default: Adapter 2: hostonly
==> default: Forwarding ports...
    default: 22 => 2222 (adapter 1)
==> default: Running 'pre-boot' VM customizations...
==> default: Booting VM...
==> default: Waiting for machine to boot. This may take a few minutes...
The guest machine entered an invalid state while waiting for it
to boot. Valid states are 'starting, running'. The machine is in the
'poweroff' state. Please verify everything is configured
properly and try again.

If the provider you're using has a GUI that comes with it,
it is often helpful to open that and watch the machine, since the
GUI often has more helpful error messages than Vagrant can retrieve.
For example, if you're using VirtualBox, run `vagrant up` while the
VirtualBox GUI is open.

The primary issue for this error is that the provider you're using
is not properly configured. This is very rarely a Vagrant issue.

What can be wrong? Host: Win7 VirtualBox: 4.2.36 r104064 Vagrant version:

vagrant version
Installed Version: 1.7.4
Latest Version: 1.8.1

To upgrade to the latest version, visit the downloads page and
download and install the latest version of Vagrant from the URL


If you're curious what changed in the latest release, view the

devployment commented 8 years ago

First thing I would try is to upgrade to the latest Vagrant version. If not already happened. At least for on Vagrant 1.8.1 and Window 8.1 I have no issues.