Tuurlijk / TYPO3.Homestead

One-stop Neos and TYPO3 development and review environment. Effortlessly test one site against multiple PHP versions and hhvm.
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[vagrant box] review and dev-master #32

Closed nimayneb closed 8 years ago

nimayneb commented 8 years ago

Composer installation. Vagrant up.

First the vagrant box has empty databases for "review_local_typo3_org" and "dev-master_local_typo3_org". Okay, only import it from the others...

When i update my sites by "local.typo3.org" i run into exceptions like this:

Uncaught Exception in TYPO3 CMS Argument 1 passed to TYPO3\CMS\Core\Package\PackageManager::registerPackagesFromConfiguration() must be of the type array, none given, called in /var/www/dev-master.local.typo3.org/typo3conf/ext/typo3_console/Classes/Package/UncachedPackageManager.php on line 70
thrown in file ext/core/Classes/Package/PackageManager.php
in line 391

#0 Helhum\Typo3Console\Error\ExceptionHandler::handleException()
Tuurlijk commented 8 years ago

Thank you for the report.

I have updated the boxes yesterday. You can now do a vagrant box update to fetch the latest version. If you already have a box running, you can destroy it ( if you don't have anything important on it ). vagrant destroy and then vagrant up.

jozefspisiak commented 8 years ago

This problem still persist in the latest 0.3.0 version of your box. Both databases are empty and typo3_console 1.3.0 is actually broken with the latest TYPO3 core. You need to switch it to the 3.0.0 in order to get those 2 servers to update. Running on latest Os X, Virtualbox and Vagrant, when testing it.

jozefspisiak commented 8 years ago

Nevermind. Destroyed it again and it works now. Must be when upgrading boxes, the database disappears or something.

Tuurlijk commented 8 years ago

Great! ;-)

Tuurlijk commented 8 years ago

When doing a vagrant destroy, it dumps the whole box. A vagrant up will re-create a new box from the 0.3.0 version you just downloaded. This new box contains all the new stuff with working setups etc. I use typo3_console 3.1 now for the 8.x installs: https://github.com/Tuurlijk/TYPO3.Packer/blob/master/ansible/roles/typo3/templates/cms/composer.json

Tuurlijk commented 8 years ago

It is confusing that vagrant box update does not in fact update the existing box, but merely updates the 'template' so to speak.