Tuurlijk / TYPO3.Homestead

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TYPO3 Neos Installation slow on exec() #35

Open InvisibleKind opened 7 years ago

InvisibleKind commented 7 years ago


Wanted to try Neos 2.2 with this box, but unfortunately didn't succeed with that. Logged to Neos BE and it complained, that it is not set up yet, so prompetd me to go to http://2.2.local.neos.io/setup/ I went there, logged in, passed first step (btw, only gd is recognized there - no gm or im), which was already executed long (about 2 minutes), and then after submitting 2nd step (db settings), where I didn't touch anything, I've got 504 errror after about 4 minutes of waiting.

Next I tried to do all the same with XHProf, and it showed me a time eater: image

So, after a bit playing with the code, I've found, that it hangs on typo3.flow:doctrine:migrate. I've executed it from CLI: image

Looks good, but however the setup process still hangs. Also I've profiled the 1st step of setup and without surprise it was also hanging in exec() but of typo3.flow:core:compile.

And here I'm stuck. Did I forget to do something or it is a common issue?

fpalluel commented 7 years ago

Hello, I just set up a fresh install (with vagrant 1.8.7), and face issues with Neos. Neos 2.0 seems to work fine, but when with 2.1 and 2.2, I experiences timeout and/or "Route not found".

And when I try to launch setup, I face the same problem as described above. It's extremely slow, and finally times out (4 minutes later) between step 2 and step 3. During this period, no excessive CPU usage from any of the process (php-fpm, nginx...).

I tried to raise the PHP max_execution_time and Nginx fastcgi_read_timeout from 240 to 600, and finally the setup completes. Then, the "Route not found" errors I had before no longer appear.

I have absolutely no knowledge about Typo3/Flow, so I can't help any further :-(