Open john275 opened 7 years ago
Hi Jon,
Applying a manifest which includes user_authenticators works for me. What version of the module and VTM are you using?
@TuxInvader I am also having the same issue and I am using version 1.500.0 of the module and the version of the VTM that I am using is 17.3
Are you also seeing this error through foreman? If you run "puppet apply --noop" does it also ignore your User Authenticator definitions?
Below is what I am getting when I use "puppet apply --noop"
/opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/environments.rb:38:in get!': Could not find a directory environment named 'development' anywhere in the path: /etc/puppetlabs/code/environments. Does the directory exist? (Puppet::Environments::EnvironmentNotFound) from /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/application_support.rb:29:in
from /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/application.rb:346:in run' from /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/util/command_line.rb:132:in
from /opt/puppetlabs/puppet/lib/ruby/vendor_ruby/puppet/util/command_line.rb:72:in execute' from /opt/puppetlabs/bin/puppet:5:in
That looks like puppet simply can't find the 'development' environment. Does it end there? Did you provide the command with your manifest? The command should have been puppet apply --noop <manifest>
Eg puppet apply --noop site.pp
or puppet apply --noop vtm-config.pp
What OS and version of puppet are you running? I'll set up a VM and try to reproduce it.
It ends with `
I just tried providing it with my manifest and I still get the same message as above.
I am running Ubuntu 16.04.3 LTS and puppet version 4.10.5 on the clients and version 4.10.6 (on master)
Once thing I noticed too was, when I manually configure the LDAP on the VTM and run the genManifest tool, It generates a class for the userauthenticators
@john275, Below worked for the user_authenticators.
brocadevtm::user_authenticators { 'Test':
ensure => present,
basic__description => 'Test Authenticators',
basic__enabled => true,
basic__type => 'ldap',
ldap__base_dn => 'ou=test,dc=example,dc=test,dc=com',
ldap__bind_dn => '',
ldap__dn_method => 'construct',
ldap__fallback_group => undef,
ldap__filter => 'cn=%u',
ldap__group_attribute => 'memberOf',
ldap__group_field => 'CN',
ldap__group_filter => undef,
ldap__port => 389,
ldap__search_dn => undef,
ldap__search_password => undef,
ldap__server => '',
ldap__timeout => 30,
radius__fallback_group => undef,
radius__group_attribute => 1,
radius__group_vendor => 7146,
radius__nas_identifier => undef,
radius__nas_ip_address => undef,
radius__port => 1812,
radius__secret => undef,
radius__server => undef,
radius__timeout => 30,
tacacs_plus__auth_type => 'pap',
tacacs_plus__fallback_group => undef,
tacacs_plus__group_field => 'permission-group',
tacacs_plus__group_service => 'zeus',
tacacs_plus__port => 49,
tacacs_plus__secret => undef,
tacacs_plus__server => undef,
tacacs_plus__timeout => 30,
@tenajsystems If you run genManifest on a vTM that has configuration, then those objects get included as "Built-in" configuration and a class is generated for each one.
As you're running puppet 4, then it could be an issue with changes to the escape sequences made in 4.x. Assuming that you have '\' sequences in your LDAP config? I've published 2.x versions on the forge to work better with 4.x and higher. See:
Alternatively you can clone this repo and drop it in your modules folder. I've just made it easier to debug as all manifests now inherit the debug level from the top brocadevtm class. So it'll print what it's sending and hopefully give more information when errors occur. Just set debug on your brocadevtm class, eg:
class { 'brocadevtm':
debug => 5,
@TuxInvader thanks.
When using running a manifest other objects get updated or added but user_authenticators do not get get updated or added, using something similar to the below :/
brocadevtm::user_authenticators { 'xxxxx': ensure => present, basicenabled => true, basictype => 'ldap', ldapbase_dn => 'ou=c,DC=d,DC=e,DC=f', ldap__bind_dn => 'CN=%u,OU=a,OU=b,ou=c,DC=d,DC=e,DC=f', ldapdn_method => 'construct', ldapfilter => 'someobject=%u', ldapgroup_attribute => 'someattribute', ldap__group_field => 'cn', ldap__server => $ldap_vip, }
Foreman reports all these objects checked, but user_authenticators seem to be missing:
monitors/xxx OK license_keys/828999 OK actions/xxx OK traffic_ip_groups/xxx OK monitors/xxx OK global_settings OK locations/Location2 OK actions/xxx OK event_types/xxx OK traffic_managers/xxx OK monitors/xxx OK event_types/xxx OK event_types/xxx OK monitors/xxx OK traffic_ip_groups/xxx OK traffic_managers/xxx OK event_types/xxx OK dns_server/zone_files/ OK dns_server/zones/xxx OK event_types/xxx OK locations/Location1 OK glb_services/xxx OK glb_services/xxx OK virtual_servers/xxx OK