TuxML / tuxml-web

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API #13

Open tartiflm opened 3 years ago

tartiflm commented 3 years ago

Having a real API, instead of having to work with get parameters and having to parse the pages, would definitely be a better way to programatically explore the database. It could even create new usages (Third party statistics processing, widgets, ... chatbot ? )

manulagadec commented 3 years ago

[base_url]/api/v1/resources/compilations?cid=[int] now returns the content of a compilation in JSON.

manulagadec commented 3 years ago

?compiled_kernel_version=[int] now returns compilations with a given kernel version. ?compiled=[true/false] now returns compilations that have compiled or not. ?limit=[int] limits the number of results (maximum set at 100 for now). These arguments can be combined. Example : https://tuxmlweb.istic.univ-rennes1.fr/api/v1/resources/compilations?compiled_kernel_version="5.8"&limit=50&compiled=false

manulagadec commented 3 years ago