TuxSH / InputRedirectionClient-Qt

Input redirection client for the 3DS using QtGamepad
MIT License
120 stars 25 forks source link

Question about mapping #23

Open Swanheart63 opened 7 years ago

Swanheart63 commented 7 years ago

hello, i don't if i can ask here. it's for my son, age of 8. he have cerebral palsy and right hemiplegia. he really likes videogames but in most case he can't play due to his paralysis. it is possible to remap button with your software : A to L1 and B to L2 , so with this mapping he will be able to play more games , not all but much more than now. the developpers and constructors don't care about players with disability, only care players with money.

i hope you can help. thank you.

dogtopus commented 7 years ago

I second this, but for a different reason (#21) Meanwhile there are workarounds that are suggessted in #5 (works with a xbox one controller but I am not sure if it will work on others)

TheLazyBrownie commented 2 years ago

Ma'am, this should help you: https://www.reddit.com/r/3dshacks/comments/6qxbw8/input_redirection_extended_edition_v30/ Download: https://github.com/gbrown5/InputRedirectionClient-Qt/releases/

It's the 3rd version and has full controller remapping, works the same as just slapping your 3ds ip in the window, but this one has a "Settings" option, there you can custom re-map the entire layout of buttons at will. I know it's years later, but it's here just in case, I just found out about this build. Many people go straight for the 2.1 version that is easily found on youtube videos and here, but this 3rd version is not even mentioned in this one specific forum for some reason as part of the download/build list but can be indirectly found still Screenshot 2022-04-22 01 31 45