TuxSH / TWLSaveTool

A 3DS homebrew that allows you to read, write, and erase save files from NDS cartridges
GNU General Public License v2.0
171 stars 17 forks source link

Well Then Don't Use TWLSaveTool On.... #27

Closed gatekeeper1122 closed 5 years ago

gatekeeper1122 commented 5 years ago

i dont know how to start this off but lets get to the point then shall we?

2 days ago i decided to come back to the 3DS scene on the homebrew discord asking if its safe to update & if there were any homebrew apps that wouldn't work right? i was told to update luma to 9.1 & then just update so i did then short after i noticed i started crashing alot so i was like wtf i update to the latest (11.10.0-43U) & all there is crashing i now regret updating then i started to look at more & found out something was corrupt & that was the TWL save Tool so down below you can see the crash in the picture i dont know why or what happened but dont use v1.1 on (11.10.0-43U) or you will get stuck in a infinite crashing loop if you enter your settings & try to delete it or access it through FBI app if it wasn't for the update v1.2 my 3DS would have been a brick at this point cuz i couldnt think of any possible play to delete it with any type of homebrew app & none of the devs on anything for homebrew will ever reply to my messages overall now since the crashing is fixed finally i can now go back to what i was doing

heres the crash log https://www.sendspace.com/file/vk8reo


Masamune3210 commented 5 years ago

If something ever happens like that, you can remove the SD card as only DS games are installed to the nand