TuyaAPI / cli

🔧 A CLI for Tuya devices
MIT License
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Weird characters on get operation #136

Closed leoheck closed 2 years ago

leoheck commented 2 years ago

Hi. I am trying to access a smart siren. And it looks like the data is pretty much encrypted. Do I have anything that I can to understand what I am receiving to be able to control this? I just want to turn it on and off nothing else.

The device is this one https://www.amazon.com/Detector-Notification-RISOON-Wireless-Waterproof/dp/B08L4YQB6M

Ah, maybe the issue is that the IP is not right anymore. Could this be the problem?

➜ DEBUG=* ./cli.js get --ip [IP] --id [ID] --key [KEY] --full
  TuyAPI IP and ID are already both resolved. +0ms
  TuyAPI Connecting to [IP]... +1ms
  TuyAPI Socket connected. +99ms
  TuyAPI GET Payload: +1ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   gwId: '[ID]',
  TuyAPI   devId: '[ID]',
  TuyAPI   t: '1633904298',
  TuyAPI   dps: {},
  TuyAPI   uid: '[ID]'
  TuyAPI } +0ms
  TuyAPI Received data: 000055aa000000010000000a0000002c00000001f299f8c5b85a613b4db8bb577bceb2718c596ec9f7df20760a4290fbd0a1a2c383cb29440000aa55 +23ms
  TuyAPI Parsed: +1ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   payload: '��ŸZa;M��W{βq�Yn��� v\nB��С��',
  TuyAPI   leftover: false,
  TuyAPI   commandByte: 10,
  TuyAPI   sequenceN: 1
  TuyAPI } +0ms
  TuyAPI Received DATA packet +1ms
  TuyAPI Disconnect +0ms
��ŸZa;M��W{βq�Yn��� v
  TuyAPI Socket closed: [IP] +1ms
leoheck commented 2 years ago

This is also happening on a second device, a circuit breaker.

➜ DEBUG=* ./cli.js get --ip --id [ID] --key [KEY] --full

  TuyAPI IP and ID are already both resolved. +0ms
  TuyAPI Connecting to +2ms
  TuyAPI Socket connected. +80ms
  TuyAPI GET Payload: +0ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   gwId: '[ID]',
  TuyAPI   devId: '[ID]',
  TuyAPI   t: '1633919430',
  TuyAPI   dps: {},
  TuyAPI   uid: '[ID]'
  TuyAPI } +0ms
  TuyAPI Received data: 000055aa000000010000000a0000002c00000001bf0726de796c6ba96eab0c936f3fa9de7eb60fccd5698769a9d13e2d94499ccd696796660000aa55 +30ms
  TuyAPI Parsed: +1ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   payload: '�\u0007&�ylk�n�\f�o?��~�\u000f��i�i��>-�I��',
  TuyAPI   leftover: false,
  TuyAPI   commandByte: 10,
  TuyAPI   sequenceN: 1
  TuyAPI } +0ms
  TuyAPI Received DATA packet +1ms
  TuyAPI Disconnect +0ms
  TuyAPI Socket closed: +1ms
leoheck commented 2 years ago

Maybe my issue is the version 3.3

  TuyAPI Received UDP message. +2s
  TuyAPI UDP data: +1ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   payload: {
  TuyAPI     ip: '',
  TuyAPI     gwId: 'ID',
  TuyAPI     active: 2,
  TuyAPI     ablilty: 0,
  TuyAPI     encrypt: true,
  TuyAPI     productKey: 'KEY',
  TuyAPI     version: '3.3'
  TuyAPI   },
  TuyAPI   leftover: false,
  TuyAPI   commandByte: 19,
  TuyAPI   sequenceN: 0
  TuyAPI } +0ms
  TuyAPI Received UDP message. +1ms
  TuyAPI UDP data: +0ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   payload: {
  TuyAPI     ip: '',
  TuyAPI     gwId: 'ID',
  TuyAPI     active: 2,
  TuyAPI     ablilty: 0,
  TuyAPI     encrypt: true,
  TuyAPI     productKey: 'KEY',
  TuyAPI     version: '3.3'
  TuyAPI   },
  TuyAPI   leftover: false,
  TuyAPI   commandByte: 19,
  TuyAPI   sequenceN: 0
  TuyAPI } +0ms
  TuyAPI Received UDP message. +2s
  TuyAPI UDP data: +0ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   payload: {
  TuyAPI     ip: '',
  TuyAPI     gwId: 'eb8aaaaefcc7d62c9fhg2c',
  TuyAPI     active: 2,
  TuyAPI     ablilty: 0,
  TuyAPI     encrypt: true,
  TuyAPI     productKey: 'KEY',
  TuyAPI     version: '3.3'
  TuyAPI   },
  TuyAPI   leftover: false,
  TuyAPI   commandByte: 19,
  TuyAPI   sequenceN: 0
  TuyAPI } +0ms
  TuyAPI Received UDP message. +1ms
  TuyAPI UDP data: +0ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   payload: {
  TuyAPI     ip: '',
  TuyAPI     gwId: 'eb8aaaaefcc7d62c9fhg2c',
  TuyAPI     active: 2,
  TuyAPI     ablilty: 0,
  TuyAPI     encrypt: true,
  TuyAPI     productKey: 'KEY',
  TuyAPI     version: '3.3'
  TuyAPI   },
  TuyAPI   leftover: false,
  TuyAPI   commandByte: 19,
  TuyAPI   sequenceN: 0
  TuyAPI } +0ms
  TuyAPI Received UDP message. +3s
  TuyAPI UDP data: +0ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   payload: {
  TuyAPI     ip: '',
  TuyAPI     gwId: 'ID',
  TuyAPI     active: 2,
  TuyAPI     ablilty: 0,
  TuyAPI     encrypt: true,
  TuyAPI     productKey: 'KEY',
  TuyAPI     version: '3.3'
  TuyAPI   },
  TuyAPI   leftover: false,
  TuyAPI   commandByte: 19,
  TuyAPI   sequenceN: 0
  TuyAPI } +0ms
  TuyAPI Received UDP message. +0ms
  TuyAPI UDP data: +1ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   payload: {
  TuyAPI     ip: '',
  TuyAPI     gwId: 'ID',
  TuyAPI     active: 2,
  TuyAPI     ablilty: 0,
  TuyAPI     encrypt: true,
  TuyAPI     productKey: 'KEY',
  TuyAPI     version: '3.3'
  TuyAPI   },
  TuyAPI   leftover: false,
  TuyAPI   commandByte: 19,
  TuyAPI   sequenceN: 0
  TuyAPI } +0ms
  TuyAPI Received UDP message. +2s
  TuyAPI UDP data: +0ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   payload: {
  TuyAPI     ip: '',
  TuyAPI     gwId: 'eb8aaaaefcc7d62c9fhg2c',
  TuyAPI     active: 2,
  TuyAPI     ablilty: 0,
  TuyAPI     encrypt: true,
  TuyAPI     productKey: 'KEY',
  TuyAPI     version: '3.3'
  TuyAPI   },
  TuyAPI   leftover: false,
  TuyAPI   commandByte: 19,
  TuyAPI   sequenceN: 0
  TuyAPI } +0ms
  TuyAPI Received UDP message. +0ms
  TuyAPI UDP data: +1ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   payload: {
  TuyAPI     ip: '',
  TuyAPI     gwId: 'eb8aaaaefcc7d62c9fhg2c',
  TuyAPI     active: 2,
  TuyAPI     ablilty: 0,
  TuyAPI     encrypt: true,
  TuyAPI     productKey: 'KEY',
  TuyAPI     version: '3.3'
  TuyAPI   },
  TuyAPI   leftover: false,
  TuyAPI   commandByte: 19,
  TuyAPI   sequenceN: 0
  TuyAPI } +0ms
leoheck commented 2 years ago

Even using protocol 3.3 I am still seeing this

➜ DEBUG=* tuya-cli get --ip --id ID --key KEY --full --protocol-version 3.3            

  TuyAPI IP and ID are already both resolved. +0ms
  TuyAPI Connecting to +2ms
  TuyAPI Socket connected. +22ms
  TuyAPI GET Payload: +0ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   gwId: 'ID',
  TuyAPI   devId: 'ID',
  TuyAPI   t: '1633923141',
  TuyAPI   dps: {},
  TuyAPI   uid: 'ID'
  TuyAPI } +1ms
  TuyAPI Received data: 000055aa000000010000000a0000002c00000001bf0726de796c6ba96eab0c936f3fa9de7eb60fccd5698769a9d13e2d94499ccd696796660000aa55 +29ms
  TuyAPI Parsed: +0ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   payload: '�\u0007&�ylk�n�\f�o?��~�\u000f��i�i��>-�I��',
  TuyAPI   leftover: false,
  TuyAPI   commandByte: 10,
  TuyAPI   sequenceN: 1
  TuyAPI } +1ms
  TuyAPI Received DATA packet +0ms
  TuyAPI Disconnect +0ms
  TuyAPI Socket closed: +1ms
leoheck commented 2 years ago

If I try to set I receive this

 DEBUG=* tuya-cli set --ip --id ID --key KEY --set "true" --protocol-version 3.3

  TuyAPI IP and ID are already both resolved. +0ms
  TuyAPI Connecting to +3ms
  TuyAPI Socket connected. +72ms
  TuyAPI SET Payload: +1ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   devId: 'ID',
  TuyAPI   gwId: 'ID',
  TuyAPI   uid: '',
  TuyAPI   t: 1633924441,
  TuyAPI   dps: { '1': true }
  TuyAPI } +0ms
  TuyAPI Received data: 000055aa00000001000000070000002c00000001bf0726de796c6ba96eab0c936f3fa9de7eb60fccd5698769a9d13e2d94499ccdbab4d4cd0000aa55 +34ms
  TuyAPI Parsed: +1ms
  TuyAPI {
  TuyAPI   payload: '�\u0007&�ylk�n�\f�o?��~�\u000f��i�i��>-�I��',
  TuyAPI   leftover: false,
  TuyAPI   commandByte: 7,
  TuyAPI   sequenceN: 1
  TuyAPI } +0ms
  TuyAPI Received DATA packet +0ms
Error [ERR_UNHANDLED_ERROR]: Unhandled error. ('Timeout waiting for status response from device id: ID')
    at TuyaDevice.emit (events.js:303:17)
    at /usr/lib/node_modules/@tuyapi/cli/node_modules/tuyapi/index.js:369:12
    at Timeout._onTimeout (/usr/lib/node_modules/@tuyapi/cli/node_modules/p-timeout/index.js:25:13)
    at listOnTimeout (internal/timers.js:554:17)
    at processTimers (internal/timers.js:497:7) {
  context: 'Timeout waiting for status response from device id: ID'
leoheck commented 2 years ago

So, the IP I was using was wrong and the device may not be available (at least trying a few types of scans) while it sleeps since it is solar/battery powered

Alright, passing in front of it triggers it to wake up and then generate notifications in the app. Then I was able to scan it, but I was not able to get data from it.

➜ python3 -m tinytuya scan

TinyTuya (Tuya device scanner) [1.2.9]

[Loaded devices.json - 2 devices]

Scanning on UDP ports 6666 and 6667 for devices (15 retries)...

Solar Strobe Light  Product ID = PRODUCT_ID  [Valid payload]:
    Address =,  Device ID = DEVICE_ID,  Local Key = DEVICE_KEY,  Version = 3.3
    Status: {'2': 58, '6': 'none', '102': True}
Unknown v3.3 Device   Product ID = keygg897krt5kk4t  [Valid payload]:
    Address =,  Device ID = eb6a6de92a356f2d62rnfj, Local Key = ,  Version = 3.3
    No Stats for DEVICE KEY required to poll for status
Unknown v3.3 Device   Product ID = keygg897krt5kk4t  [Valid payload]:
    Address =,  Device ID = eb8aaaaefcc7d62c9fhg2c, Local Key = ,  Version = 3.3
    No Stats for DEVICE KEY required to poll for status

Scan Complete!  Found 3 devices.

This is the output from tuya-cli

➜ DEBUG=* tuya-cli get --ip --id DEVICE_ID, --key DEVICE_KEY, --full --protocol-version 3.3

(node:836842) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: TypeError: Key is missing or incorrect.
    at new TuyaDevice (/usr/lib/node_modules/@tuyapi/cli/node_modules/tuyapi/index.js:73:13)
    at parseConfig (/usr/lib/node_modules/@tuyapi/cli/lib/control.js:32:9)
    at Object.get (/usr/lib/node_modules/@tuyapi/cli/lib/control.js:36:15)
    at Command.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/@tuyapi/cli/cli.js:62:11)
    at Command.listener [as _actionHandler] (/usr/lib/node_modules/@tuyapi/cli/node_modules/commander/index.js:413:31)
    at Command._parseCommand (/usr/lib/node_modules/@tuyapi/cli/node_modules/commander/index.js:914:14)
    at Command._dispatchSubcommand (/usr/lib/node_modules/@tuyapi/cli/node_modules/commander/index.js:865:18)
    at Command._parseCommand (/usr/lib/node_modules/@tuyapi/cli/node_modules/commander/index.js:882:12)
    at Command.parse (/usr/lib/node_modules/@tuyapi/cli/node_modules/commander/index.js:717:10)
    at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/lib/node_modules/@tuyapi/cli/cli.js:133:9)
(node:836842) UnhandledPromiseRejectionWarning: Unhandled promise rejection. This error originated either by throwing inside of an async function without a catch block, or by rejecting a promise which was not handled with .catch(). To terminate the node process on unhandled promise rejection, use the CLI flag `--unhandled-rejections=strict` (see https://nodejs.org/api/cli.html#cli_unhandled_rejections_mode). (rejection id: 1)
(node:836842) [DEP0018] DeprecationWarning: Unhandled promise rejections are deprecated. In the future, promise rejections that are not handled will terminate the Node.js process with a non-zero exit code.
codetheweb commented 2 years ago

TuyAPI will not work with devices that only periodically connect to WiFi as it assumes devices are continuously connected. See the TuyAPI readme:

TuyAPI does not support sensors due to the fact that they only connect to the network when their state changes. There are no plans to add support as it's out of scope to intercept network requests.

leoheck commented 2 years ago

Thanks dude. The README is really good. But it means nothing when we don't know how to translate what we are experiencing to what is written there. It looks like I am bothering you here, so thank you for this nice tool, and sorry for asking these questions.

codetheweb commented 2 years ago

No problem, happy to answer questions as they come up. 😃