TuyaInc / tuyasmart-home-sdk-react-native

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Can not get the IP of the device when using Tuya RN sdk-Android. #45

Open ZYFxy7816 opened 4 years ago

ZYFxy7816 commented 4 years ago

below is the test step we are using.

  1. Repository react-native(SDK) which we use: https://github.com/TuyaInc/tuyasmart-home-sdk-react-native
  2. HomeNativeApi.getHomeDetail method we call from react-native side.
  3. Method which calls in JAVA when we fire HomeNativeApi.getHomeDetail from RN: android/tuya-sdk/android/src/main/java/com/tuya/smart/rnsdk/home/TuyaHomeModule.java:72
  4. We call this method after login, when we open devices list.

For iOS it works fine and we can receive IP address, for android unfortunately not. Attached is the response we get from the cloud on Android.


linqwFmt commented 4 years ago

Sorry, I see the IP field in your attachment. Can you give me a specific scenario

Ashalbulk commented 4 years ago

@linqwFmt Hello. Here I attach two .json files with responses from android SDK and ios SDK. The steps to reproduce exactly the same which the author of this topic mentions.


linqwFmt commented 4 years ago

The return formats of Android and IOS SDK are different, and the IP fields are not often used

Ashalbulk commented 4 years ago

@linqwFmt I've got your point, but our customers asked about this field. Could you, please, add this field for android?

ZYFxy7816 commented 4 years ago

From the two requests that we had: 1) updating RN SDK for iOS and 2) IP address on Android, your colleague kindly helped us with the iOS SKD update, but we are still waiting for the IP address on Android.

could let us what’s new with the IP address on Android.

linqwFmt commented 4 years ago

I updated it. You're trying

iot-dev-chal-tec commented 4 years ago

@linqwFmt Thank you very much, we will try the new update and inform you about the resutls.

Ashalbulk commented 4 years ago

@linqwFmt It doesn't work for us :( I created a new issue about this here: https://github.com/TuyaInc/tuyasmart-home-sdk-react-native/issues/47

linqwFmt commented 4 years ago

I updated.

Ashalbulk commented 4 years ago

@linqwFmt It doesn't work after the update when we are trying to run react-native run-android we faced with

Снимок экрана 2020-03-17 в 1 31 05 ДП
iot-dev-chal-tec commented 4 years ago

Hello @linqwFmt and @ZYFxy7816 Would you please kindly advise how we can fix this issue? Thank you!

linqwFmt commented 4 years ago

I'm sorry to say that we decided to backoff the SDK. the SDK for historical reasons, we may have a lot of incompatibilities with the existing SDK. So if we need IP, we may upgrade the entire SDK

iot-dev-chal-tec commented 4 years ago

Is there any chance that Tuya can help us upgarding the entire SDK? If yes, how long the process may take?