TuyaInc / tuyasmart_home_ios_sdk

Tuya Smart iOS Home SDK
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ZigBee 网关添配问题 #17

Closed KevinDengSir closed 5 years ago

KevinDengSir commented 5 years ago

你好,是关于添配 ZigBee 网关的问题,我们按照文档上的 ”ZigBee 网关配网“ 进行编码,前段时间是可以添配成功的,然后这星期开始就一直添配不上了。xcode 的控制台一直输出这样的 logs: 2019-04-24 18:13:21.183223+0800 [8647:3702571] TYActivatorService: searchDevice 2019-04-24 18:13:21.195427+0800 [8647:3702571] TYGetSTimerService get timer from sTimer 2019-04-24 18:13:21.197365+0800 [8647:3702571] method is https://a1.tuyacn.com/api.json?osSystem=12.1.2&timeZoneId=Asia%2FShanghai&clientId=ydcju98mwykhfx7kfq4p&sign=0f1908febdecf151d8849dbc46bee287&a=tuya.m.device.list.token&time=1556100801&deviceId=42B222F9-F9D1-45A6-935B-6AD566873E27&os=IOS&platform=iPhone%207&sid=ay155124N7696997sYHbpRz370c0288497070c026377b876a2e2fb9e&lang=zh-Hans-CN&appVersion=1.2.24&ttid=sdk_appstore@ydcju98mwykhfx7kfq4p&sdkVersion=2.0.0&v=2.0&,postData is { token = n7XlMB25; } 2019-04-24 18:13:21.259475+0800 [8647:3703357] ATRequest response is tuya.m.device.list.token { result = { }; status = ok; success = 1; t = 1556100801241; } 然后代理 - (void)activator:(TuyaSmartActivator )activator didReceiveDevice:(TuyaSmartDeviceModel )deviceModel error:(NSError *)error 一直没有回调回来


TuyaRonbin commented 5 years ago


TuyaRonbin commented 5 years ago

我把这个issues 关掉,你可以去涂鸦开发者平台提个工单,会有人帮你查找问题的。

adnan1naeem commented 4 years ago

can you please help me out as i am having this issue??

2020-03-11 16:59:29.157354+0500 ios[508:47541]  --- network config failure {
    currentTime = 1583927969;
    step = token;
    token = EUMDVuRzhWSBFF;
    type = "wifi_config_ez_3";
I am having issues while using Activator
fujijing commented 4 years ago

The log means device failed to connect to the network, please ensure that the device is ready for network connection and change a Wi-Fi network or set the router signal type to 2.4 GHz

can you please help me out as i am having this issue??

2020-03-11 16:59:29.157354+0500 ios[508:47541]  --- network config failure {
    currentTime = 1583927969;
    step = token;
    token = EUMDVuRzhWSBFF;
    type = "wifi_config_ez_3";
I am having issues while using Activator

The log means device failed to connect to the network, please ensure that the device is ready for network connection and change a Wi-Fi network or set the router signal type to 2.4 GHz

adnan1naeem commented 4 years ago

The log means device failed to connect to the network, please ensure that the device is ready for network connection and change a Wi-Fi network or set the router signal type to 2.4 GHz

can you please help me out as i am having this issue??

2020-03-11 16:59:29.157354+0500 ios[508:47541]  --- network config failure {
    currentTime = 1583927969;
    step = token;
    token = EUMDVuRzhWSBFF;
    type = "wifi_config_ez_3";
I am having issues while using Activator

The log means device failed to connect to the network, please ensure that the device is ready for network connection and change a Wi-Fi network or set the router signal type to 2.4 GHz

i am using following api : sdk_1.TuyaActivatorApi.initActivator({ homeId: params.homeId, password: params.key, ssid: params.ssid, time: 50, type: 'TY_EZ', }); It just timeout in response.