TuyaInc / tuyasmart_home_ios_sdk

Tuya Smart iOS Home SDK
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Problem with the SDK #18

Closed FirmwareDeveloper closed 5 years ago

FirmwareDeveloper commented 5 years ago

Hello all,

We have some Heaters with Tuya WiFi module in them, all of the can connect to Tuya app and function very well. However we have our own app to connect to our Tuya based products. Some of these heaters can connect to our app but some can not connect.

Any ideas on what is the problem?

Thank you in advance. Shaham


我们有一些带有Tuya WiFi模块的加热器,所有这些都可以连接到Tuya app并且运行良好。 但是,我们有自己的应用程序连接到我们的Tuya产品。 其中一些加热器可以连接到我们的应用程序,但有些无法连接。


先感谢您。 Shaham

TuyaRonbin commented 5 years ago

Can you give me more useful information ? Is based on the iOS SDK development ? Which function is have a problem? device activator or device control ?

FirmwareDeveloper commented 5 years ago

Hello xuchengcheng, Well, with both Android and ios I have this problem. I can get the device connected to the internet (I can see the device connected to the router), I can see the device on my app, but when I want to connect to it refuses the connection. I can also share the SDK log of my app when trying to connect to device to my app, where one succeed and one fails.

Thank you in advance :-)

defective_device.txt good_device.txt

0x5e commented 5 years ago

Hi @FirmwareDeveloper , you have two devices with different type, their pid and schema are totally different, can't be treated as the same.

0x5e commented 5 years ago

devId = 7038220468c63adaadf5; productId = stmkpqhxqYuP15Xr; Power/TempSet/TempCurrent/Timer/Countdown devId = 002006646001943a0b16; productId = 0zVMuzyZxXFlyxuu; switch/temperature_c/temperature_f/exchange/c_temperature/f_temperature/appoint/appoint_flag

these two product are different.

FirmwareDeveloper commented 5 years ago

Thanks a lot @0x5e , is this difference in the Tuya WiFi module or in the MCU? Is schema defined in the WiFi module or in the MCU? Is it possible to fix this problem with over the air update of the firmware or MCU firmware?