TwP / logging

A flexible logging library for use in Ruby programs based on the design of Java's log4j library.
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Confused on configuration of retention Rolling Log files #199

Open ajnh opened 5 years ago

ajnh commented 5 years ago

Hi Sorry to be a pain.

Confused about how to configure the Rolling Log file appender specifically around aged retention. The examples pretty much all use 'daily'; and the comments indicate 'weekly' and 'monthly' as well. Whilst 'weekly' will be OK for some environments, in others we wanted a custom period, e.g. 2 days. Based on the comments of logging/appenders/RollingFile (rolling_file.rb), it suggests the age in seconds. Consequently, I configured the age as 60 60 24 2 (60 sec 60 mins 24 hrs 2 days). However, 4 days later and the original logs are still around.

I'm a relative newbie to Ruby, so whilst I tried to trace the code and figure it out myself, what I am seeing is only the rolling of the log.

So, I'm thinking that whilst I have this configuration

    # Rolling log file, keeping 7 days worth, each sized up to 50 Mb
    Logging.appenders.rolling_file \
      :filename => log_path_name.to_s,
      :level    => :debug,
      :roll_by  => 'date',
      :size     => config.all_log_max_size,    # 50G 50 * 1024 * 1024
      :age      => config.all_log_retention_age,    # 60 * 60 * 24 * 2
      :layout   => layout

this is actually saying role when it hits 50G or 2 days, rather than what I thought it was - role when it hits 50G and remove when its 2 days old.

Whilst the Rolling File implementation says the keep is number of logs, the confusion was seeded in the Logging::Logging (logging.rb) - keep = age = args.shift which implies that keep and age are synonymous.

Looked for some tests that might explain the behaviour, but couldn't see any.

So, a/ is there a way to retain for a specific period; and if so, b/ can you advise how to effect that configuration or where I can find doco / example please?

Again apologies for asking dumb questions. Andrew

PS: Great Ruby extension!