Closed TwanoO67 closed 6 years ago
I don't understand. Have you followed those steps to build and publish on npm registry?
Have you searched/opened a stackoverflow issue for the error message you get?
Hello @fabioformosa
Yes its exactly the tutorial that I followed. And I achieve to have a working compilation and get it published on npm. The problem is only after when I try to install.
I tried searching on stackoverflow but the error seems to common and I didn't found answer that was matching the case
Hello guys!
The library as beed made compatible with angular >4 (tested with angular 6.0.0.beta-7)
If you want to try in a angular 6 project, then:
yarn add ngx-admin-lte@2.0.0-beta.7
and in your angular-cli.json
"assets": [
{ "glob": "**/*", "input": "../node_modules/ngx-admin-lte/public/assets", "output": "./assets" }
"scripts": [
and in your style.css
@import "../node_modules/angular2-toaster/toaster.css";
@import "../node_modules/admin-lte/dist/css/AdminLTE.min.css";
@import "../node_modules/admin-lte/dist/css/skins/_all-skins.min.css";
@import "../node_modules/bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
@import "../node_modules/font-awesome/css/font-awesome.min.css";
@import "../node_modules/ionicons/dist/css/ionicons.min.css";
Great! I will test ASAP with angular 5. What was the problem with npm release?
It was related to peerDependencies, now i builded with ng-packagr and it fixed =)
@TwanoO67 This issue is done now, am I missing anything ?
Jquery was missing on beta-9, but it seems ok now on beta-10.
I disagree with jquery
being a direct dependency, see issue #52.
I am fine with this issue closed, though.
Hello Guys!
For the moment the package is published as a TS module. So it is compiled with your typescript settings when you use it.
But this mode of using is not allowed with the new angular/cli versions. So I would like to publish the package as a JS lib.
I already tried that on develop (i did a "yarn build" function, that produce a dist folder, and use that on the package.json). But then when I use it on a project, it compile right, but it fail on loading, with errors like so:
Uncaught ReferenceError: UserService is not defined at eval (can-activate-guard.service.js:33) at eval (can-activate-guard.service.js:36) at Object../node_modules/ngx-admin-lte/dist/src/services/can-activate-guard.service.js (vendor.bundle.js:317)
It seems that the internal service aren't able to load each other anymore.
Does any of you already create a JS package on NPM and have some example to help me with that ?
Any idea would be much appreciated!