Twenga / twgit

Twgit is a free and open source assisting tools for managing features, hotfixes and releases on Git repositories. It provides simple, high-level commands to adopt the branching model describes in our documentation. Supported OS: Debian/Ubuntu Linux, Mac OS X 10.8 (Mountain Lion) or lower.
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Freeze release & frozen release notification #91

Open nassimseddiki opened 11 years ago

nassimseddiki commented 11 years ago


It would be useful for our QA team to mark a release as 'frozen', a command like :

twgit release freeze

When checking out (or merging into) a frozen release branch, the user would be notified :

twgit release start Switched to branch 'release-x.x.x' (i) Local branch 'release-x.x.x' up-to-date with remote 'origin/release-x.x.x'. (i) 'release-x.x.x' is Frozen.

The idea is to be able to identifiy, on a given release branch, the commits that were performed after the release was frozen, through a simple git log or even a twgit command (twgit release list after_freeze).

What do you think?


geoffroy-aubry commented 11 years ago

Very interesting :-) We cannot block manual git commit and git push on release branch, but "twgit release freeze" could add a technical commit for tracking purpose. Indeed, commands "twgit release start", "twgit feature merge-into-release", "twgit release list", … could make use of this.

nassimseddiki commented 11 years ago

Oh we agree, the frozen state would not block any merge into a release. It would only be informative :)

I was wondering if the freeze command would create a commit or a tag. A commit involves some code modification doesn't it? But a tag may break the release finish/start process?

Anyway, glad you find that interesting :)

geoffroy-aubry commented 11 years ago

One possibility to automate:

$ git notes --ref=twgit add -m 'YYYYMMDD, frozen' 0385bcc3
$ git push origin refs/notes/twgit
$ git log --show-notes=twgit
nassimseddiki commented 11 years ago

Fantastic :) I'll start with that !