TwicPics / components

A Web component library that brings the power of TwicPics to your favorite web framework.
MIT License
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Very slow load times #43

Closed edwin323 closed 1 year ago

edwin323 commented 1 year ago

Hi, While testing TwicPics, we noticed that somes images can take up to 1.3sec to load due to waiting for server answer (see screenshot attached).

We thought it was the first transfer time from our website to twicpics server, but after refreshing with disabled cache multiple times, on 10 trials we have around 50% of 30ms wait duration, and 50% of 1.2s wait.

This if of course a dealbreaker for us, as currently on our CDN all assets take less than 50ms to load. Do you have an explanation?


Strift commented 1 year ago


Thanks for opening an issue. Our team is investigating and will get back to you ASAP.


Strift commented 1 year ago

Hi again,

It appears this issue is related to infrastructure and not the components code. Our team has reached out to you via the email associated with your TwicPics account.

Have a good day!