TwidereProject / Twidere-Android
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Feature request: Use specialized text for Mastodon #854

Open outloudvi opened 7 years ago

outloudvi commented 7 years ago

Since Twidere has added Mastodon support, lots of users use it with Mastodon instances. However, Twidere use words like 'retweet' and 'tweet' (instead of 'boost' and 'status') for Mastodon posts. In my opinion, it would be better to use Mastodon-specalized words at situations like that.

novadeviator commented 7 years ago

+1. it's funny to see posting a mastodon toot as "tweet sent". or, "post retweeted"

mariotaku commented 6 years ago

Using specialized text for different platforms doubles (or even triples) texts to translate. I'll start this process gradually by making all possible strings more generalize, and use specialized text for the rest part.

outloudvi commented 6 years ago

Many thanks. Twidere is really a powerful all-in-one app for SNS lovers.