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cannot reply to post seen from one Mastodon account with another #972

Open yiskah opened 6 years ago

yiskah commented 6 years ago

Starting recently, I can no longer open a reply dialog and switch which account I send my reply from, if those accounts are Mastodon accounts. I tested and this bug doesn't occurr with Twitter accounts.

To illustrate, I have accounts A and B activated in Twidere.

User X makes a post (P). I follow user X from both A and B. P will appear on my timeline twice, one color coded for A and one for B. One will be P(a) and P(b)

It used to be that I could reply to either iteration of the post, P(a) or P(b), from either account A or B, defaulting to the same account that the post was color coded for. Now, in 3.6.29, if I try to reply to P(a) from Account B, or vice versa, I get a "record not found" error. Only a reply to P(a) from account A, or to P(b) from account But will work. Even though both accounts follow user X who made the same post.

Expected behavior

Regardless the origin of post, I can decide which account to send a reply from same as I would making a new post.

Actual behavior

The post is not sent, saved as a draft, and states "record not found"

Steps to reproduce

Activate two Mastodon accounts in twidere which do not follow each other and have one of them make a public post, then refresh the timeline. Reply to the post you just made and in the compose window switch the account you're posting from to the other account that is not the originator of the post. The reply will fail because the post is being "seen" by a different account than the one you are trying to post from, even though it's a public post and it's the same post ID.

Extra info

Android version: 7.1.1

Network type:

App version: 3.6.29

Build variant:

Micro-blogging service:

App settings:

deutrino commented 6 years ago

I'm seeing similar behavior. There are a number of bugs where "open with account" etc doesn't really work.

igalic commented 6 years ago

Is there any kind of debugging help i can offer here? I have 3 mastodon accounts that i use for vairous topics, and i would find this incredibly useful.

as an aside: a possible, (incredibly) hacky workaround would be to use mastodon's search API: when entering the full URL to a toot into search, you can access it directly from your instance.

This currently doesn't work with Twidere either, because it assumes that https: is interpreted as search command

deutrino commented 6 years ago

This is explicitly supported by Mastalab, FWIW.