TwilightCoders / active_record-mti

ActiveRecord support for PostgreSQL's native inherited tables (multi-table inheritance)
MIT License
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Class not recognized as MTI class #4

Open manuelmeurer opened 6 years ago

manuelmeurer commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately my AdminUser class is not recognized as a MTI class. :( I'm running Rails 4.2.10 and this is my setup:

ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table :users do |t|
  t.string :first_name, :last_name
  t.timestamps null: false

ActiveRecord::Migration.create_table :admin_users, inherits: :users do |t|
  t.text :roles, array: true, default: [], null: false
# db/structure.rb
    id integer NOT NULL,
    first_name character varying,
    last_name character varying,
    created_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,
    updated_at timestamp without time zone NOT NULL,

CREATE TABLE admin_users (
    roles text[] DEFAULT '{}'::text[] NOT NULL
INHERITS (users);
# app/models/application_record.rb
class ApplicationRecord < ActiveRecord::Base
  self.abstract_class = true

# app/models/user.rb
class User < ApplicationRecord

class AdminUser < User

When I check AdminUser.mti_type_column and AdminUser.tableoid_column on the console, they are both nil, which they shouldn't be according to the specs. What can I do to further help debugging this problem?

voltechs commented 6 years ago

Hey @manuelmeurer,

Thanks for reporting this!

What version of ActiveRecord::MTI are you using? What version of PostgreSQL are you using?

Lastly, could you fork the project and write a failing test case? I'm happy to take a look if you could help out by doing that :)

(Hint: I'm guessing it has to do with the use of ApplicationRecord, which I haven't been using/testing against. 😶)

voltechs commented 6 years ago

So I took a stab at it ( I changed the User model in the specs to use ApplicationRecord, but specs did not fail. Maybe that's a starting point for you.

manuelmeurer commented 6 years ago

My first idea was also that it has something to do with ApplicationRecord but changing it to class User < ActiveRecord::Base does not fix the problem. I'm using v0.3.0.pre.rc4 of this gem and Postgres v10.1. Maybe it's the Postgres version?

voltechs commented 6 years ago

@manuelmeurer Thanks for doing that! Hmm, PostgreSQL v10.x sounded like a good theory; it looks like the specs passed though. 🤔

Have you got other ActiveRecord::Base extensions (gems) in your project? Maybe enumerate them here and we can pick through them together to suss out a culprit. Maybe ActiveRecord::MTI isn't playing nice with someone (or vice versa). I took great pains to try and make the injection process as noninvasive as possible. 😅

yuki24 commented 6 years ago

@voltechs I noticed that in the test app setup, the table name for the Admin model is manually set to admins. If you remove that line, 19 specs out of 34 will fail. I assumed table names don't have to be explicitly set as the README doesn't say anything about it. Does this need to be fixed or the doc is out of date?

manuelmeurer commented 6 years ago

Good point, @yuki24! Why is the table name set explicitly, @voltechs?

voltechs commented 6 years ago

Oh wow. Great find! That was an attempt to make sure setting a table_name explicitly still worked (that I didn't botch that functionality). Looks like I need do have another class to isolate that behavior. I'll get to that right now :)

voltechs commented 6 years ago

Alright @manuelmeurer @yuki24,

I've refactored how MTI handles table_name inference. I also took some time to clean up the specs around a lot of this. Builds are passing (naturally). Additionally, I added an ActiveRecord::MTI.configure feature that should allow you to deviate a bit more conveniently from the convention MTI is expecting.

Even still, the refactor will degrade more gracefully and you should see your desired behavior without having to do anything further. I've updated the README to describe the behavior in more detail.

If you wouldn't mind pointing to develop and let me know if it's working for you. I'll create a new RC and push it up to RubyGems when I get the thumbs up from you. 😄

manuelmeurer commented 6 years ago

Thanks, I'll try it! I don't quite understand the table name conventions though... why/when do we need table names like "account/developers" for example? The README is a bit confusing as it is right now I think, since it says In most cases, you shouldn't have to do anything beyond installing the gem. but also # table_name is 'account/developers'. Does ar_mti change the table name automatically?

yuki24 commented 6 years ago

Happy holidays, @manuelmeurer @voltechs!

I'm also not sure about the naming conventions either. I was also concerned about the amount of the monkey-patches so I started my own work: There is a number of improvements I have made in there:

@voltechs When you have time, could you check out my code here? Happy to help make the code safer and more stable.

@manuelmeurer You could also try using my branch if you wouldn't mind:

gem 'active_record-mti', git: '', ref: 'overhaul'
voltechs commented 6 years ago

@yuki24 Happy (belated) Holidays to you too!

Thanks for that overhaul. It's definitely intriguing. I see a lot of cool solutions in there. I'm still picking through the changeset, I'll let you know when I'm finished. As it stands, I could definitely see incorporating some of the changes, some things I'm not entirely on board with or I don't understand yet.

I have a mental block about dropping support for Rails 4.1 and Ruby 2.1, but I might come around :P

manuelmeurer commented 6 years ago

Hi @yuki24, thanks for your work on this! Unfortunately I am busy with other features right now but I'll get back to this soon and will try out your version then! 😄

manuelmeurer commented 6 years ago

Hi @yuki24, I tried your branch but have run into the problem that the child model doesn't recognize it's own fields, i.e. in the example I posted in the first message of this issue, if I do ['foo']), I get ActiveRecord::UnknownAttributeError: unknown attribute 'roles' for AdminUser. Also, AdminUser.table_name is "users", is that correct?

@voltechs Have you had the chance to look at @yuki24`s change in more detail? Would be great to get them merged as they seem like sensible improvements to the project.

Regarding dropping support for Ruby <= 2.1 and Rails <= 4.1, I'm all for it since both are not supported anymore:

manuelmeurer commented 6 years ago

@yuki24 @voltechs Ping! 😄

yuki24 commented 6 years ago

I've been away from open source since New Year's holidays but will come back in the first week March. Thanks for bearing with me!

manuelmeurer commented 6 years ago

Sure thing, enjoy your open-source holidays! :sunglasses:

yuki24 commented 6 years ago

@manuelmeurer Sorry for the delay, I finally had time to look into this. First of all, I ended up not using Postgresql's MTI in my app because of a number of reasons. With regards to your issue, a quick fix would be to add self.table_name = 'action_users' in the AdminUser class. I know this is a boring fix, but at least it should fix the issue.

There is also a number of issues that I noticed in this gem:

So my conclusion is that you would have to give up on something to make it work. And even if you could get everything right in Ruby, the restrictions Postgresql's table inheritance brings in would not go away (I saw a helpful StackOver answer but I can't find it - will post it here once I do).

I probably won't make any more changes to my branch. I'm sorry for dropping the ball, but it's hard to maintain things I don't use myself. But please do let me know if you have questions about Ruby or Rails.

manuelmeurer commented 6 years ago

Hi @yuki24,

Thanks for your detailed answer! I totally understand that you don't want to continue to work on something you don't use yourself. I don't have time to dig into these issues either, but maybe someday somebody will make it work. :)

Cheers, Manuel

voltechs commented 6 years ago

Hey all,

I got around to merging in a bunch of the work @yuki24 did. It's much less polluty (it's a word now :P). It's not quite ready for primetime, but it's a huge step forward. Latest is in develop

Thanks for your support guys :)

manuelmeurer commented 6 years ago

Thanks, @voltechs! Can you say something about the four issues @yuki24 mentioned?

voltechs commented 6 years ago

Hey @manuelmeurer, here are my thoughts on @yuki24's concerns!

yuki24 commented 6 years ago

@voltechs Thanks!

I'd argue that this isn't a very good argument

If you think so, please do continue to maintain the project! It's just my concern and that shouldn't stop you from what you are doing. And I'm always here as part of the community for help if there's anything I could do for the project.

I don't think it'd be that difficult, actually.

There is one case that is a bit tricky to cover. Let's say there is Admin (mapped to the admin_users table) inherits from User (mapped to users). In development, not all the constants are loaded, so if a collection of users is loaded through the User model (which also pulls in Admin records if there's any), the User model wouldn't be able to look up the Admin model. It would work fine only if the Admin is loaded beforehand, which makes the behaviour unpredictable. How would you go about this?

# app/models/user.rb
class User < AppliactionRecord; end

# app/models/admin_user.rb
class Admin < User
  self.table_name = 'admin_users'

$ rails c
Rails.env           # => 'development'
defined?(AdminUser) # => nil

User.all  # => fails to look up the AdminUser constant
AdminUser # => forces Rails to load AdminUser
User.all  # => works as expected

This edge case is easy to miss if the test suite in the gem is eager-loading the dummy Rails app in the test. STI doesn't have this issue as the class name is simply stored in the database and AR just calls the constantize on it (though this suffers from another case where a class name is renamed later).

voltechs commented 6 years ago

Hey @yuki24,

If you think so, please do continue to maintain the project! It's just my concern and that shouldn't stop you from what you are doing. And I'm always here as part of the community for help if there's anything I could do for the project.

I certainly will! I love this project and we use it in production at work, so I can vouch for its stability and utility. I’m a huge fan of PostgreSQL’s true inheritance feature.

Regarding the admin_users case, I can envision supporting that too. That could be totally configurable (I’d need to allow for a setting called parent_prefix and parent_suffix or something) in conjunction with the _ separator. The only requirement would be that the user (developer) be consistent, which—as seasoned engineers—we can all universally agree is a good practice! So that too would be solvable! 😄

I’ll be making another pre-release here shortly and I’m working on getting it rolled out to our production environment. I’ll release a full (minor) version rev in concert with that.