TwilioDevEd / notifier-node

ARCHIVED - Notifier and SMS Notifications with Express and Twilio
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Cannot Read Property Length #8

Closed okcjosh closed 7 years ago

okcjosh commented 8 years ago

Aside from not being able to requisition a new Notification service at twilio I decided to try to use an existing SMS Messaging app and input the SID from that app into .env. Upon following the instructions exactly, NPM throws this error:

TypeError: /Users/verbal/notifier-node/views/layout.pug:23 21| span.icon-bar 22| .container

23| for data in flash 24| .alert.alert-dismissible.alert-success 25| button.close(type='button', data-dismiss='alert') × 26| span= data.message

Cannot read property 'length' of undefined at eval (eval at wrap (/Users/verbal/notifier-node/node_modules/pug-runtime/wrap.js:6:10), :51:31) at eval (eval at wrap (/Users/verbal/notifier-node/node_modules/pug-runtime/wrap.js:6:10), :82:4) at template (eval at wrap (/Users/verbal/notifier-node/node_modules/pug-runtime/wrap.js:6:10), :116:155) at Object.exports.renderFile (/Users/verbal/notifier-node/node_modules/pug/lib/index.js:410:38) at Object.exports.renderFile (/Users/verbal/notifier-node/node_modules/pug/lib/index.js:400:21) at View.exports.__express as engine at View.render (/Users/verbal/notifier-node/node_modules/express/lib/view.js:126:8) at tryRender (/Users/verbal/notifier-node/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:639:10) at EventEmitter.render (/Users/verbal/notifier-node/node_modules/express/lib/application.js:591:3) at ServerResponse.render (/Users/verbal/notifier-node/node_modules/express/lib/response.js:960:7)

dprothero commented 7 years ago

Thanks okcjosh. Currently Notify is still in developer preview. You can request access here: