TwilioDevEd / video-access-token-server-node

Twilio Video server-side web app in Node.js
MIT License
65 stars 60 forks source link

twilio-video.js:22574Uncaught CONFIGURATION_ERROR: Invalid value "BrashIsaacCucamonga@AC09a1614d63623449a5c6def171a9063e';" for parameter "uri" #28

Closed ashjha closed 7 years ago

ashjha commented 7 years ago

Getting error on browser console

twilio-video.js:22574Uncaught CONFIGURATION_ERROR: Invalid value "BrashIsaacCucamonga@AC09a1614d63623449a5c6def171a9063e';" for parameter "uri"

and don't getting choice for select room . please check attachment twillio

ashjha commented 7 years ago

I was saving variables like


change to TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID="AC09a1614d63623449a5c6def171a9063e"

now it is fixed